Last wednesday@Croft
Sometimes I love my job.
Sometimes i hate my job.
Most of the time, I think my job is ok.
It pays poorly, the hours arn't bad, nor are they great.
The working conditions could be better, and i'm sure the health and safety police would have a field day sometimes........
However, as with most jobs, it does have its perks.
One of which is that my place of work is 10 minutes away from Croft circuit in county durham. I pass the entrance to the circuit a few times during the average week, and always drive in to take a peek. Sometimes there is nothing but grey skies and the odd tumbleweed blowing around, other times theres something to catch my eye.
Last wednesday, the weather wasn't too bad and my day was pretty quiet, so for my lunch break I drove up to the circuit for a mooch about.
Good job I took my camera.

Sure beats sitting in a bait-room full of oily handed monkeys......!
Sometimes i hate my job.
Most of the time, I think my job is ok.
It pays poorly, the hours arn't bad, nor are they great.
The working conditions could be better, and i'm sure the health and safety police would have a field day sometimes........
However, as with most jobs, it does have its perks.
One of which is that my place of work is 10 minutes away from Croft circuit in county durham. I pass the entrance to the circuit a few times during the average week, and always drive in to take a peek. Sometimes there is nothing but grey skies and the odd tumbleweed blowing around, other times theres something to catch my eye.
Last wednesday, the weather wasn't too bad and my day was pretty quiet, so for my lunch break I drove up to the circuit for a mooch about.
Good job I took my camera.

Sure beats sitting in a bait-room full of oily handed monkeys......!
designer said:
I thought Croft was in North Yorkshire 
Oh no - don't start that, please! I'll be forced to call it the "local circuit for local people" if you do 

Unfortunately, though, you're right - and my new house is 1 mile from the circuit - WHOOPEE! I might actually get some track time and be able to walk home when the tyres expire.
marshalla said:
designer said:
I thought Croft was in North Yorkshire 
Oh no - don't start that, please! I'll be forced to call it the "local circuit for local people" if you do 

Anyway I'm a local, always good to know there are more of us posting here!
Great pictures but they just make me hear my Brother complaining that people are using "his" pit garage so he can't get in to clean the track cars.

southpaw said:
twizellb said:
Cracking photo's and i tell you what that silver VW Golf in your first photo took some catching the cheeky sod even had a 1.4 badge on it. It was quick and well driven.
What engine was in it?twizellb said:
southpaw said:
twizellb said:
Cracking photo's and i tell you what that silver VW Golf in your first photo took some catching the cheeky sod even had a 1.4 badge on it. It was quick and well driven.
What engine was in it?
Nice to meet you by the way William. Sorry I didn't take longer to chat, I had concrens over the car and the way it was peforming. Next time we'll chew that fat as I'm sure were on a similar wave length.
Apologies if that last statement has harmed you reputation
Daftlad said:
twizellb said:
southpaw said:
twizellb said:
Cracking photo's and i tell you what that silver VW Golf in your first photo took some catching the cheeky sod even had a 1.4 badge on it. It was quick and well driven.
What engine was in it?
Nice to meet you by the way William. Sorry I didn't take longer to chat, I had concrens over the car and the way it was peforming. Next time we'll chew that fat as I'm sure were on a similar wave length.
Apologies if that last statement has harmed you reputation
err what reputation?
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