PHers at The Globe Inn - Meeting and Hoonery
I wondered if any of the North Eastern residents would be interested in this???
Here goes
Pistonheads Meeting
The Globe Inn Huddersfield - HD3 3DZ
Saturday October 27th
3pm onwards
The idea is to meet at the Globe around 3pm, have a quick chat, kick some tyres then out for a run which we'll try to change each month
Stop somewhere mid run for some photos and give everyone the chance to regroup then head back to the Globe where we shall feast on a free Buffet provided by Stainless Steve himself, have a drink & a chat
Same as the West Yorkshire meet, please quote and add your name to the list
Concerned Cat
NCC - Depending on shift rotation
Stainless Steve
Speed 8 - Depending on availability
Bob The Planner - Dependig on his wallet
little green fairy
Cooky - Possibley
Here goes
Pistonheads Meeting
The Globe Inn Huddersfield - HD3 3DZ
Saturday October 27th
3pm onwards
The idea is to meet at the Globe around 3pm, have a quick chat, kick some tyres then out for a run which we'll try to change each month
Stop somewhere mid run for some photos and give everyone the chance to regroup then head back to the Globe where we shall feast on a free Buffet provided by Stainless Steve himself, have a drink & a chat
Same as the West Yorkshire meet, please quote and add your name to the list
Concerned Cat
NCC - Depending on shift rotation

Stainless Steve
Speed 8 - Depending on availability
Bob The Planner - Dependig on his wallet
little green fairy
Cooky - Possibley
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