Bye bye westy ... ... next!
Yesterday morning I waved goodbye to the westy, and with that came the end of a very short but extremely enjoyable era! 
Still, life must go on and I now have cash burning a hole in my pocket, so if anyone comes across anything that they think might interest me, please drop me a line, as I am desperate to put this cash to good use before i spend it all on drink, drugs and women! (ok, i know those are all good uses, but you know what i mean!)

Still, life must go on and I now have cash burning a hole in my pocket, so if anyone comes across anything that they think might interest me, please drop me a line, as I am desperate to put this cash to good use before i spend it all on drink, drugs and women! (ok, i know those are all good uses, but you know what i mean!)
zebra said:
Southpaw - Gez had a 100% record on the runs until last thursday - his first time without breaking down, so technically he's got rid of the westy on a high. [Albeit with bald tyres when he came screeching up behind Steve]
For the record, I've only broken down twice... both fixable at the side of the road, and coincidently both when out on PH runs. Never had any problem when just out with Al; bt myself or with the WSCC... maybe its you bastards who had been sabotaging my beautiful (ex) car!!! Zebs

Edited by Dry Gez on Tuesday 28th August 12:37
zebra said:
Check out the other thread you started - I picked out a load of cars for you.
Yeah, cheers mate, they are definitely possibilities if they are still avail (had no response from any of the one's I've tried yet).Check out the other thread you started - I picked out a load of cars for you.
I'm still undecided about what to go for though and its a couple of weeks down the line, which is why I was asking again.
Also people may be wawre of cars for sale not advertised yet etc.
Here's a nice little runaround for you. A 'Head Turner' (apparently).
Here's a nice little runaround for you. A 'Head Turner' (apparently).
Edited by whygee02 on Tuesday 28th August 13:09
whygee02 said:
Here's a nice little runaround for you. A 'Head Turner' (apparently).
Very Gez Here's a nice little runaround for you. A 'Head Turner' (apparently).
Edited by whygee02 on Tuesday 28th August 13:09

zebra said:
Give us all a brief on what requirments you've got
Copied from the last thread...Give us all a brief on what requirments you've got
When i say daily driver, I mean it in the loosest sense of the word - basically it must be fast, fun and dry (or at least a damn sight dryer than the westy will ever be!)
I'm also very fond of the wind in my hair, so something with a soft top would be a plus.
Ideally I don't want to spend more than 8 1/2 but very very maybe up to 10k.
My ideal choice would be a Tamora, but its a little bit too expensive, and the cost of a warranty, insurance and servicing is too much at the moment, so thats out.
S2000 is winning at the moment, it ticks most boxes, ok the insurance is dear, but i can stomach that. Servicing is cheap, and they don't go wrong to often.
Considering a S1 elise 111S, again, ticks nearly all boxes, but would prefer something a little bit newer.
S2 Elise 111s is another great option, but about 3 grand more than I ideally want to spend. Other than that, great fun, just about practical enough and definitely fast.
I have even considered an R32 or an older S3, and the extra practicality would be handy, but I think that this is at the sacrifice of some of the fun, and the top doesn't come off them.
TVR Chimaera has always been an option, again its a box ticker, but I'm slightly worried about running costs, although the rover v8 is probably a better bet than the speed 6 engine.
Same for a Cerbera, a bit more practical in that its a 2+2, but the roof is made of metal and not air.
Any thoughts on the various options, or any options I haven't considered?
So far, my favourites are the S2000 or an upgraded S1 elise. Looking at both of these in the next week - basically, I reckon the S2k will be a lot more practical (proper boot and all that!) and the elise more fun.
Edited by Dry Gez on Wednesday 29th August 01:21
Hi Gez
I'd have thought you'd be able to take your pick of elise s2's in and around the 10-14 bracket, provided you open autotrader searches up nationally
I'm completely biased (as you know) so I'm not going to judge the other cars, but I can vouch for the s2 being fun, fast, and a little bit practical. I use mine as my main car and only sacrifice is doing a big shop means you have a passenger seat full of carrier bags, and thats it, doesnt bother me in the slightest.
Getting in and out takes practice but after a few goes is fine, space and headroom is absolutely fine.
But here's the good news, even compared to others you mention. Fuel consumption = 39 AND A HALF THOUSAND MILE PER GALLON. Seriously - it uses so little petrol. Last Thursday night giving it stick for that hour or so I think I used about £4 worth, and that was really giving it some stick. Dont know the actual figures but I reckon it must be high 40's per gallon. Thats for a car thats around 5 seconds off the mark !!
Seriously, for 10-14k it'll be the cheapest head turning 'supercar' you can buy.
You know you want to....
I'd have thought you'd be able to take your pick of elise s2's in and around the 10-14 bracket, provided you open autotrader searches up nationally
I'm completely biased (as you know) so I'm not going to judge the other cars, but I can vouch for the s2 being fun, fast, and a little bit practical. I use mine as my main car and only sacrifice is doing a big shop means you have a passenger seat full of carrier bags, and thats it, doesnt bother me in the slightest.
Getting in and out takes practice but after a few goes is fine, space and headroom is absolutely fine.
But here's the good news, even compared to others you mention. Fuel consumption = 39 AND A HALF THOUSAND MILE PER GALLON. Seriously - it uses so little petrol. Last Thursday night giving it stick for that hour or so I think I used about £4 worth, and that was really giving it some stick. Dont know the actual figures but I reckon it must be high 40's per gallon. Thats for a car thats around 5 seconds off the mark !!
Seriously, for 10-14k it'll be the cheapest head turning 'supercar' you can buy.
You know you want to....
Edited by whygee02 on Tuesday 28th August 14:52
...seems suspiciously cheap, but could be worth a call.
...seems suspiciously cheap, but could be worth a call.
A few outside of the box suggestions after a quick peruse of the classifieds;
BMW Z3M roadster? Seems to fit the bill, right sort of price range, rag top, shift along nicely.

Chimp, 11k;

and now for something completely different...
none of the below I'd consider, but you might have an odd moment or something
Marcos mantara spider something or other. 14k

Chrysler crossfire, 13k

Jag XK8, 14k

S2k's are great fun, fruity little engines in them too.
Personally I'd be going down the TVR or S2k route if I was in your shoes, but I like riceburning bloaters, what do I know 
BMW Z3M roadster? Seems to fit the bill, right sort of price range, rag top, shift along nicely.

Chimp, 11k;

and now for something completely different...
none of the below I'd consider, but you might have an odd moment or something

Marcos mantara spider something or other. 14k

Chrysler crossfire, 13k

Jag XK8, 14k

S2k's are great fun, fruity little engines in them too.

zebra said:
M beemer is a good call Stu

The description of the S2000 is not from personal experience but rather my thoughts from comments I have read and heard from owners.
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