door/window control unit

door/window control unit


airborne midget

Original Poster:

126 posts

223 months

Sunday 26th August 2007
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Has any one got a spare ,Part No: ME 0154, as mine has fused


4,427 posts

272 months

Sunday 26th August 2007
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Are you sure it's the control unit?

All door/window related problems I've had have turned out to be the connector joint in either the door or the side kick panel. That's where I'd start my search, while also thinking it could be the microswitch on the bottom of the door.


26,906 posts

276 months

Sunday 26th August 2007
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I did have a spare, I gave it away some time back. I have full circuit diagrams for it if that's any help. From memory it's a PIC chip to do the logic and timing, two ULN2004s or similar as buffers and a bank of relays to handle the juice.
Not rocket engineering, really smile
My money would be on a duff ULN; they are about as trustworthy as a politician.