Shopping - advice please
Dear all
Now then, a friend of mine who shall remain nameless at this current time has left me feeling slightly worried. In organising a little get together I was provided with a choice; Saturday or Sunday? Now that seems perfectly normal. In the Zebra household we try and keep both days free at the weekend for some flexibility. Now when I made the choice [in conjunction with mrs zebs - it's an even relationship although slightly biased in the even stakes towards my better half] it was Saturday that came out on top. The response made by my friend, who for the time being we shall refer to as MR X said he would have preferred Sunday because Saturday is, wait for it, .....yes, a "shopping day". A shopping day I retort. "yes, a shopping day."
Arrangements made I go back to sitting infront of the television, that programme about 'eating yourself thin' - middle aged spread's a bu66er you know. I'm sipping a cup of tea and suddenly it struck me, "SHOPPING DAY", what the hell and then I remember a previous conversation where MR X mentioned in passing, unprovoked I hasten to add, a serious amount of cross dressing. I start to worry, for MR X and myself. Am I about to propositioned? Will I be asked to put on a flowery frock? Where will this end?
So, NEPH friends of mine - what do I do - suggest some form of therapy [electrical or otherwise]? Are there more skeletons in MR X's closet that I've yet to find out about?
Advice required.
Now then, a friend of mine who shall remain nameless at this current time has left me feeling slightly worried. In organising a little get together I was provided with a choice; Saturday or Sunday? Now that seems perfectly normal. In the Zebra household we try and keep both days free at the weekend for some flexibility. Now when I made the choice [in conjunction with mrs zebs - it's an even relationship although slightly biased in the even stakes towards my better half] it was Saturday that came out on top. The response made by my friend, who for the time being we shall refer to as MR X said he would have preferred Sunday because Saturday is, wait for it, .....yes, a "shopping day". A shopping day I retort. "yes, a shopping day."
Arrangements made I go back to sitting infront of the television, that programme about 'eating yourself thin' - middle aged spread's a bu66er you know. I'm sipping a cup of tea and suddenly it struck me, "SHOPPING DAY", what the hell and then I remember a previous conversation where MR X mentioned in passing, unprovoked I hasten to add, a serious amount of cross dressing. I start to worry, for MR X and myself. Am I about to propositioned? Will I be asked to put on a flowery frock? Where will this end?
So, NEPH friends of mine - what do I do - suggest some form of therapy [electrical or otherwise]? Are there more skeletons in MR X's closet that I've yet to find out about?
Advice required.
There is one part of your question that I can answer....
The Electric Shock treatment :~ I can supply some fairly heavy duty 'Crocodile clips' ( rated to 440V), that should do the trick quite nicely. May be a little cold when first applied to the skin, but we can soon sort that out once a bit of current starts to flow.
(I have assumed that Its YOU thats looking for the treatment / therapy !)
As for the so called 'Mr X', (and the alleged cross dressing), can you shed any more light on this subject ??
Does he have a good 'womanly' body and long tresses that would obviously pass for a 'lady' without looking too hard, or is he more of a 'Jeremy Kyle subject matter', with tattoos, facial hair and of sturdy build??
This is a tricky one......
Anyone wish to join the discussion ??
The Electric Shock treatment :~ I can supply some fairly heavy duty 'Crocodile clips' ( rated to 440V), that should do the trick quite nicely. May be a little cold when first applied to the skin, but we can soon sort that out once a bit of current starts to flow.
(I have assumed that Its YOU thats looking for the treatment / therapy !)
As for the so called 'Mr X', (and the alleged cross dressing), can you shed any more light on this subject ??
Does he have a good 'womanly' body and long tresses that would obviously pass for a 'lady' without looking too hard, or is he more of a 'Jeremy Kyle subject matter', with tattoos, facial hair and of sturdy build??
This is a tricky one......
Anyone wish to join the discussion ??
Edited by bomb on Tuesday 21st August 21:31
Edited by bomb on Tuesday 21st August 21:32
bomb said:
There is one part of your question that I can answer....
The Electric Shock treatment :~ I can supply some fairly heavy duty 'Crocodile clips' ( rated to 440V), that should do the trick quite nicely. May be a little cold when first applied to the skin, but we can soon sort that out once a bit of current starts to flow.
(I have assumed that Its YOU thats looking for the treatment / therapy !)
As for the so called 'Mr X', (and the alleged cross dressing), can you shed any more light on this subject ??
Does he have a good 'womanly' body and long tresses that would obviously pass for a 'lady' without looking too hard, or is he more of a 'Jeremy Kyle subject matter', with tattoos, facial hair and of sturdy build??
This is a tricky one......
Anyone wish to join the discussion ??
You know me mate, I always need treatment - ask mrs zebs.The Electric Shock treatment :~ I can supply some fairly heavy duty 'Crocodile clips' ( rated to 440V), that should do the trick quite nicely. May be a little cold when first applied to the skin, but we can soon sort that out once a bit of current starts to flow.
(I have assumed that Its YOU thats looking for the treatment / therapy !)
As for the so called 'Mr X', (and the alleged cross dressing), can you shed any more light on this subject ??
Does he have a good 'womanly' body and long tresses that would obviously pass for a 'lady' without looking too hard, or is he more of a 'Jeremy Kyle subject matter', with tattoos, facial hair and of sturdy build??
This is a tricky one......
Anyone wish to join the discussion ??
Edited by bomb on Tuesday 21st August 21:31
Edited by bomb on Tuesday 21st August 21:32
Mr X would not pass for a lady - even post opp were that to ever happen.
southpaw said:
Blatently Gez.

Gez can be particularly girly [only kidding Gez], but in this instance, no it's not Gez even with his love of feathers.
We will continue to refer to this character as Mr X for the time being.
I suppose we must first come to understand what the "shopping" is for? ANyone hazard a guess?
You know me mate, I always need treatment - ask mrs zebs.
I know that....It was Mrs Zebs' that phoned me and requested the 'extreme switchboard session' for you, and wanted to know when I could 'plug you in' !!
''Give me More power''!! ( words often quoted by Lotus drivers........)
You know me mate, I always need treatment - ask mrs zebs.
I know that....It was Mrs Zebs' that phoned me and requested the 'extreme switchboard session' for you, and wanted to know when I could 'plug you in' !!
''Give me More power''!! ( words often quoted by Lotus drivers........)
tvrbob said:
zebra said:
Flyboy is gorgeous in a homosexual way,

1. I'll get flyboy to stamp on your golf balls.
2. I'll get Sideways to drive up and down outside your house at all hours of the night.
3. I like my cross dressers with .......and here comes a little hint.......more facial hair.
mr_X said:
zebra said:
mr_X said:
So you like your partners to have facial hair 
Your point is?
... goes over to where Mr X is being kept tied up by the others and grabs hold of his hair to pull off his mask and reveal his true identity...
mr_X said:
zebra said:
mr_X said:
So you like your partners to have facial hair 
Your point is?
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