V-power petrol on the cheap

V-power petrol on the cheap


Cabinet Enforcer

Original Poster:

502 posts

237 months

Monday 13th August 2007
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Shell station at Redheugh bridge is selling V-power at the same price as normal unleaded from 8am till 8pm tomorrow (Tuesday 14th August)

Fill yer bootsyes

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

30,888 posts

246 months

Monday 13th August 2007
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Cabinet Enforcer said:
Shell station at Redheugh bridge is selling V-power at the same price as normal unleaded from 8am till 8pm tomorrow (Tuesday 14th August)

Fill yer bootsyes
Is that where you Northern folk store it then? scratchchin


11,191 posts

266 months

Monday 13th August 2007
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2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
Cabinet Enforcer said:
Shell station at Redheugh bridge is selling V-power at the same price as normal unleaded from 8am till 8pm tomorrow (Tuesday 14th August)

Fill yer bootsyes
Is that where you Northern folk store it then? scratchchin
yes my tank is in my boot smile Come to think of it yours is too

Edited by tvrbob on Monday 13th August 21:46

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

30,888 posts

246 months

Monday 13th August 2007
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tvrbob said:
2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
Cabinet Enforcer said:
Shell station at Redheugh bridge is selling V-power at the same price as normal unleaded from 8am till 8pm tomorrow (Tuesday 14th August)

Fill yer bootsyes
Is that where you Northern folk store it then? scratchchin
yes my tank is in my boot smile Come to think of it yours is too

Edited by tvrbob on Monday 13th August 21:46
My tank is in your boot? yikes

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

30,888 posts

246 months

Monday 13th August 2007
quotequote all
tvrbob said:
2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
Cabinet Enforcer said:
Shell station at Redheugh bridge is selling V-power at the same price as normal unleaded from 8am till 8pm tomorrow (Tuesday 14th August)

Fill yer bootsyes
Is that where you Northern folk store it then? scratchchin
yes my tank is in my boot smile Come to think of it yours is too

Edited by tvrbob on Monday 13th August 21:46
My tank is in your boot? yikes


11,191 posts

266 months

Monday 13th August 2007
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2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
My tank is in your boot? yikes
Twice apparently

Road Hog

2,614 posts

224 months

Monday 13th August 2007
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shell garage in guisborough is also next monday doing same promotion.


11,191 posts

266 months

Monday 13th August 2007
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Road Hog said:
shell garage in guisborough is also next monday doing same promotion.
Twice again! What is going on


652 posts

211 months

Tuesday 14th August 2007
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Any other Shell garages joining in the fun?


960 posts

228 months

Tuesday 14th August 2007
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By 7:45 the price had gone back to normal - frown

lockhart flawse

2,069 posts

246 months

Wednesday 15th August 2007
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Shell Yarm on the 23rd.



565 posts

216 months

Monday 20th August 2007
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just filled up at Guisborough, offer ends at 6pm thumbup

Edited by Cliffv8 on Monday 20th August 08:27


3,324 posts

252 months

Monday 20th August 2007
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Is it 98 octane V Power thats been sold at the same price, or the 95 octane??


467 posts

280 months

Monday 20th August 2007
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So where's next on the list?


9 posts

212 months

Monday 20th August 2007
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Sunderland Shell tomorrow from what i can remember.

The one just down on Chester road.


v8 jago

982 posts

264 months

Monday 20th August 2007
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Daftlad said:
Is it 98 octane V Power thats been sold at the same price, or the 95 octane??
Its 99 octane for the price of 95 octane.

lockhart flawse

2,069 posts

246 months

Wednesday 29th August 2007
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Just bringing this top of the list again. It would be quite useful to keep it going. I Filled up with V Max at 94.9 in Yarm last week.



3,725 posts

295 months

Wednesday 29th August 2007
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Hells-Bells guys confused

I've just driven from Durham to Redheugh Bridge, then realised that Yarm was 1p cheaper, so made tracks down there, asap !! eek

Arrived just to see the price go back to normal yikes

Stopped on the way home to fill up with deisel

Pointless journey.driving

I think you did that on purpose just to catch me out.

Thanks lads. rolleyes

Thanks a lot......

Edited by bomb on Wednesday 29th August 11:02


384 posts

218 months

Friday 7th September 2007
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Just spotted a sign at Carville A1 / A690 junction for Thursday 13th september
same deal V power for the price of ordinary unleaded


7,107 posts

235 months

Friday 7th September 2007
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Whitemere Pool Shell Garage has V-power on for the same price as normal unleaded on Wednesday 12th September.