Monsieur southpaw........

Monsieur southpaw........


Stu R

Original Poster:

21,410 posts

226 months

Tuesday 7th August 2007
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Happy birthday Christian, legally allowed to go out and get absolutely plastered now mate biggrin

Have a good one fella!


10,442 posts

248 months

Tuesday 7th August 2007
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in before the padlock! Happy birthday!


6,909 posts

252 months

Tuesday 7th August 2007
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Bloody hell i cant believe it has been a year already, seems like only last week we had to read your hundreds of 'what car?' threads!

Anyway happy birthday party and you had better be in the pub beer


4,555 posts

225 months

Tuesday 7th August 2007
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Happy Birthday Christian.


81 posts

212 months

Tuesday 7th August 2007
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happy birthday dude!

Love the car btw, u got great taste. thumbup


11,191 posts

266 months

Tuesday 7th August 2007
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524 posts

222 months

Tuesday 7th August 2007
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Hippo Birdy 2 ewe's


960 posts

228 months

Tuesday 7th August 2007
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Happy Birthday bud, wink


5,999 posts

236 months

Tuesday 7th August 2007
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Awww thanks guys biggrin I'm currently totally nackered following a huge beach party down at Tynemouth yesterday with something like 60-70 people, although couldn't drink as I had my car... Funny thing is I don't actually drink at the moment (and always get very weird looks when I saw that) but looks like I'll have to start soon smile

TomTVR, don't worry, there may be a what car thread brewing wink
Cerberadora, thanks biggrin
Everyone else... thank yoo thumbup I'm guessing presents are in the post? wink

Dry Gez

523 posts

222 months

Thursday 9th August 2007
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Belated happy birthday by the way!

Haven't had a chance to pop in for a few days, but still, better late than never. also better out than in, but is late and in better or worse than never and out?



5,999 posts

236 months

Thursday 9th August 2007
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Thanks Gez...but...erm...did you just come out the closet? confused

Dry Gez

523 posts

222 months

Thursday 9th August 2007
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No mate, thats just wishful thinking on your part. Sorry to disappoint you.


Balmoral Green

42,090 posts

259 months

Thursday 9th August 2007
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So, old enough for bum sex for two years. Have you done it then?

Stu R

Original Poster:

21,410 posts

226 months

Thursday 9th August 2007
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Balmoral Green said:
So, old enough for bum sex for two years. Have you done it then?


4,555 posts

225 months

Friday 10th August 2007
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Balmoral Green said:
So, old enough for bum sex for two years. Have you done it then?
Stop trying to groom him Warren!



5,999 posts

236 months

Friday 10th August 2007
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You can't talk zebs! rofl


4,555 posts

225 months

Friday 10th August 2007
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Alright Warren, I've been sussed - stay clear, he's mine, all mine I tell you, mwuhaha!!!


Dry Gez

523 posts

222 months

Friday 10th August 2007
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now then, who's got the incriminating photos from the cobweb run editing day?...


4,555 posts

225 months

Friday 10th August 2007
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Dry Gez said:
now then, who's got the incriminating photos from the cobweb run editing day?...
You just cannot stop yourself Gerard, can you! punch


524 posts

222 months

Friday 10th August 2007
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I'm open to offers.........