Anybody recommend a dent remover / dentmaster??
Can anybody recommend a dent removal specialist in the N.E area? Some nice citizen decided to drive into the side of my drivers door in Tesco lasst night. Fortunately it hasn't took the paint off, but has left a reasonable dent about 6" long!
The door doesn't appear creased so touch wood it can be repaired easily.
The buggers even had the cheek to leave a false reg no and car descr on a piece of paper, as when I checked it out, none matched!!!
The door doesn't appear creased so touch wood it can be repaired easily.
The buggers even had the cheek to leave a false reg no and car descr on a piece of paper, as when I checked it out, none matched!!!

I can certainly recommend dent devils. They are a national company who have local franchises. Their man in the north east is called martin mounsey. He removed four dents from my rx8 two were from the rear doors which were awkward to say the least due to their position but he did a fantastic job for me. Give them a call and they will contact him for you.
Doesn't the Car Spa just bring someone in as and when they require dent removal? Thats what we where told when we took Dawn's RX8 round. Ended you using a Dent Devils guy based in Sunderland as Dawn has mentioned above. If they do just bring someone in, might be worth going direct to save a few quid.
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