made a point of takeing the tvr down helmsly road on monday with the weather been soo hot at last. heading to stokesly from hemsly i know the road and its hazards well, from dodgy bends to yumps under cover cops
and overtaking point..... in mind that tho the gap looks big the power bike that mite come round the bend mite close the gap VERY FAST.
BUT MONDAY I FOUND A NEW HAZZARD. leaving chop gate making good pace over the strait with the yumps (been more careful than normal, fiberglass is expensive) one last yump and dip before the steep bank foot to the floor as i come over the sumate TO FIND ...... A 1FT DEEP RIVER FORDING THE ROAD
. i managed to keep it straite but got soaked
and managed a 60mph-10mph without touching the brakes !
be warned, i wouldnt want to try that on a bike

BUT MONDAY I FOUND A NEW HAZZARD. leaving chop gate making good pace over the strait with the yumps (been more careful than normal, fiberglass is expensive) one last yump and dip before the steep bank foot to the floor as i come over the sumate TO FIND ...... A 1FT DEEP RIVER FORDING THE ROAD

be warned, i wouldnt want to try that on a bike
HIGH BANK TO THE LEFT A BIG AMERICAN RV TO THE RIGHT... i thought no brakeing into the water and no gas hold her steady and breath in. little squirm from the rear, then a whole load of muddy water dumped on us(top off) my pasenger a biker said in a bike ..... that would of been messy.
this weathers driving me nutts
this weathers driving me nutts

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