Pistonheads Meeting - Leeds
I thought I would cross post this in a couple of regional forums to let you merry chaps and chapesses know that should you be free, in the area and in the need to seek sanctuary with like-minded folk, then there is a place for you 
We've had people coming over from Lincs, Lancs, North Yorks, East Yorks, West Yorks among other regions
Its now a well established meeting with fairly good attendance and occasionally, free grub from the pub landlord too

If anyones in the vacinity, pop your name down and say hello

We've had people coming over from Lincs, Lancs, North Yorks, East Yorks, West Yorks among other regions
Its now a well established meeting with fairly good attendance and occasionally, free grub from the pub landlord too

If anyones in the vacinity, pop your name down and say hello

southpaw said:
Bit short notice for this month but I may well come down next month 
Aye I know its a bit short notice for this month, but its a well established meeting now and you're always welcome down young sir....could even get some shots of the Poooma for ya 

I didnt mean Poooma as in poo, just a mad spelling moment

Edited by jagdpanther on Thursday 5th July 21:52
southpaw said:
jagdpanther said:
I didnt mean Poooma as in poo, just a mad spelling moment 
Don't worry, it gets called the Pooma all the time, or Puma-beal (nickname made up by a mate which has stuck!). 
Would by nice to get some decent photos of it

Thought I would bump this up to the top and see if any of our north eastern brethren would be interested

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