How much would you have loved to discover this property...
Imagine you're going to live in Portugal. You find a lovely farmhouse
set on a decent plot of land. The place has been empty for 15 years...
While exploring your new property you find a large barn. The door is padlocked
and welded shut and it's all rusted solid. So you grind the padlock and
the welds off and.........
set on a decent plot of land. The place has been empty for 15 years...
While exploring your new property you find a large barn. The door is padlocked
and welded shut and it's all rusted solid. So you grind the padlock and
the welds off and.........
About the bazillionth time this has been posted 
There was even a thread about reposts of it!

There was even a thread about reposts of it!
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