How many Porsche owners in the North East? - Show us then.

How many Porsche owners in the North East? - Show us then.



Original Poster:

1,930 posts

219 months

Monday 18th June 2007
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138 posts

221 months

Monday 18th June 2007
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Edited by jb12 on Tuesday 19th June 16:12

Edited by jb12 on Thursday 21st June 22:33


Original Poster:

1,930 posts

219 months

Monday 18th June 2007
quotequote all
Very , Very nice...I see it has the Ali pack around instrument surrounds like mine...lovely.

Was it bought from the `Turbo Centre` by any chance..

Car looks a little bit too clean for is a cooooont to keep clean, but each to his own.


138 posts

221 months

Monday 18th June 2007
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Purchased car with Ali pack already in, It has sports seats with silver backs + Ali pack on centre console & Sat Nav surround + Silver Dials

Will post some pics of the interior when I take them.


Original Poster:

1,930 posts

219 months

Monday 18th June 2007
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Was it from turbo centre??


138 posts

221 months

Monday 18th June 2007
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No it was from GC Motors near Wetherby, picked it up in April my first porsche!!

Must agree with you on black cars, they are hard to keep clean but look fantastic when polished up...


382 posts

248 months

Tuesday 19th June 2007
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Here's mine... Had it almost 2 months now and still can't stop driving it biggrin


527 posts

250 months

Wednesday 20th June 2007
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and with a proper gearbox too...


4,501 posts

238 months

Wednesday 20th June 2007
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