Thinking of car change
I only said contemplating !!!! I have had a go in an S2000 & quite liked it, the only thing is, for the kind of money the are fetching I would have to use it as my every day car & there's the rub, it would mean parting with the Chim
& my beloved Saab 93 sport - the jury is still out on this one.

Ive decided : The Chim stays - Trevor is very happy being able to stay in his heated garage with his My Little Pony Stable, his bag full of soft toys & his 70's LP's, he thanks you all for your support during this difficult time.
Furthermore, Trevor's adopted parents are sorry fot the disress they have caused to him
Furthermore, Trevor's adopted parents are sorry fot the disress they have caused to him

Edited by GUNNY 1 on Wednesday 16th May 20:53
worgc said:
I remember meeting a young lad who'd just bought an S2000 in Silverstone Grey. He was well chuffed.
Until he followed me down the A1 to a Shafto's meet in my lowly S3. He nearly wept in the carpark.
'No soul' was the cry.
Think on...

Until he followed me down the A1 to a Shafto's meet in my lowly S3. He nearly wept in the carpark.
'No soul' was the cry.
Think on...

I nearly fell off my chair.... no 'soul' ???
Having previously owned an Audi S3 for 3 years and now on my 2nd S2000, I really do not understand? The S3 is terminally numb, average handling and slower than an S2000 (unless the S3 is chipped). Yes it's got great traction, awesome in the wet, but it's so dull compared to an S2000.
The S2000 is a little tiring to drive at 100% all the time, but to many people that's the fun. Revving to 9000rpm and having to really use the gearbox to squeeze all 237bhp out of it is part of charm. If you can't be arsed, you keep it below 6000rpm and it returns 30mpg+.
1275kg, 237bhp, RWD, 50/50 weight distribution, 9200 rpm redline, and no traction control (option on 06> cars) make for a fun time!
After 4 years of driving S2000's I can still not find a roadster with the same level of practicality, running costs, reliability and performance for the same money. I really stuggle to work out what to get next.
Do it!
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