Passenger Required for THIII
We have had a last minute passenger cancellation.
If there is anyone out there wishing that they were a passenger, please let either me or Passenger Gez know ASAP.
The astute amoungst you will have noticed the only possible drawback......You'd be travelling in a Westfield (Nothing wrong with Westfields, just might be a little too windy for some)
on the positive side, you'd have an excellent weekend and Westies are great fun.....
pm me through my profile ASAP as we leave tomorrow morning - See THIII thread for further details.
southpaw said:
Ah right
Anyway, I really wish I'd come, even if just to help with my amazing Westy fixing knowledge as demonstrated on the Cobweb run with Passenger Andy 

......but you should have been revising, remember. we, the undersigned of the Pistonheads community do not wish to be the reason you do not get straight A's in your exams. Further more, TVTBABs [aka bobfather], will exclude you from the site if you fail to get straight A's!
Now, get your head down and do some graft!

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