my mates M3 had i little trip on the grass but thankfully without damage as a bush caught him. but now it KLUNKS when he sets off , there a ticking noise from a rear wheel when driving and when turning hard the whole rear seams to WOBBLE
!!! thing is tho , hes had it checked at the main dealer, fine. had it realined, fine. took it to a further 3 garages who say it all looks fine. hmmm
then the plot thickens, takes it to a "bmw specialist" who doesnt even put it on a ramp, just looks at it and says yup this is bust thats bust your going to need a grand worth of parts alone

what type damage mite he of caused ? and can you recomend a place to get it a real experts look at it ?

then the plot thickens, takes it to a "bmw specialist" who doesnt even put it on a ramp, just looks at it and says yup this is bust thats bust your going to need a grand worth of parts alone

what type damage mite he of caused ? and can you recomend a place to get it a real experts look at it ?
Depends on how much sideways impact the suspension might have taken.
Could have any number of slightly bent parts from wishbone pivots to stub axles. The ticking noise could be a fractured wheel bearing, something simple like a brake part rubbing or even some shrubbery caught in the workings.
Could have any number of slightly bent parts from wishbone pivots to stub axles. The ticking noise could be a fractured wheel bearing, something simple like a brake part rubbing or even some shrubbery caught in the workings.
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