Shaftos - Thursday 5th

Shaftos - Thursday 5th



Original Poster:

11,191 posts

266 months

Monday 2nd April 2007
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Northeast petrolheads come on down

Shaftos, Thursday evening 7:30 onward. Food, beer (fruit juice for the drivers of course) and good company.

Link to Shaftos


Original Poster:

11,191 posts

266 months

Tuesday 3rd April 2007
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Any interest or should I cancel?


365 posts

240 months

Tuesday 3rd April 2007
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No snow forecast this time so I'm up for it Bob.


4,427 posts

272 months

Tuesday 3rd April 2007
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Doesn't seem to be much interest confused

I'm on nightshift, so I've got no chance.


524 posts

222 months

Tuesday 3rd April 2007
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I'm in.....


539 posts

247 months

Tuesday 3rd April 2007
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I am also at work


2,613 posts

224 months

Wednesday 4th April 2007
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on nights early start "no go"sleep


7,561 posts

232 months

Wednesday 4th April 2007
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another one who can not make it due to work,
I will have to get a job working days.



365 posts

240 months

Wednesday 4th April 2007
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Hmmm, doesn't look like there's that much interest. I've said I'll go along but if its cancelled so be it. I'll catch up with you all sometime soon.


539 posts

247 months

Wednesday 4th April 2007
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Im not at work now, so if its on will have a drive up


Original Poster:

11,191 posts

266 months

Wednesday 4th April 2007
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I'm not available this month but don't let that stop you.

driver gez

523 posts

222 months

Wednesday 4th April 2007
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I'll see if Al fancies driving down given that i can't!



138 posts

259 months

Wednesday 4th April 2007
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tvrbob said:
I'm not available this month but don't let that stop you.

If the truth be known, tvrbob is suffering from a serious bout of 'man flu' passed on to him by his carring & sharing wife! Sorry!!


54 posts

216 months

Wednesday 11th April 2007
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Bloomin heck just missed this post, thats 5 mins down the road for me, give me a nod next time your going and I'll turn up in me tin top.
Cheers Phill