Fiat specialists in Toon?

Fiat specialists in Toon?



Original Poster:

40 posts

220 months

Friday 30th March 2007
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Going to look at a Coupe today (how exciting bounce ) Thought it might be prudent to see if there were any recommended garages. Think there's a stealership on Scotswood road, but was wondering if there was anywhere that won't rob me blind?


1,234 posts

264 months

Friday 30th March 2007
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Always took my old car an Alfa 145 cloverleaf to Lyles at the top of West road past Newcastle general Hospital head towards A69 on the left just before you go down the bank . Good service bit pricy but they know italian cars .


Original Poster:

40 posts

220 months

Monday 2nd April 2007
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Cheers, worth bearing in mind as I'm buying said coupe! Love that feeling when you know your getting a new arrival!


1,183 posts

247 months

Monday 2nd April 2007
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Lyles! thumbup