Lamborghini Gallardo

Lamborghini Gallardo



Original Poster:

2,071 posts

254 months

Thursday 29th March 2007
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Had a drool over one at the weekend, sat in it, played with the buttons, oogled the engine (blimey, compact!).

It's sitting in the Strathmore Dealership (they do a lot of Corvette and Cadillac) on (I think) the Fenham Bypass. (A195? not sure)

Pearlescent Yellow, 2004, can't remember the mileage, but had been well used. £84,999.

Guys in the dealership were very lovely, chatty etc. Even when Dylan (3) thought the Lambo was so lovely it was worth licking the wing mirrors.

The salesman even managed to keep a straight face when confronted with a toddler asking sincerely 'Can we borrow it, we'll bring it back?'

Stu R

21,410 posts

226 months

Friday 30th March 2007
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Had the pleasure of driving a friends before he chopped it in for a Murci, very impressive car to drive and divine to look at cloud9


336 posts

240 months

Friday 30th March 2007
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wendyg said:
The salesman even managed to keep a straight face when confronted with a toddler asking sincerely 'Can we borrow it, we'll bring it back?'

Just brilliant. (I've been asked this very same question, with the same sincerity.)


2,285 posts

220 months

Friday 30th March 2007
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Great looking cars and the sound is to die for cloud9, drove a couple before I decided on the Porker which is on a whole different level IMO.



6,909 posts

252 months

Saturday 31st March 2007
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Making another purchase Wendy?


84 posts

233 months

Thursday 5th April 2007
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think i have just bought that very car