It's away.......again.
My S3's going to its' new home on Saturday. Seems like only yesterday I was tearfully waving my S1.5 off.
Thanks to all the PHeaders who've made it more than just owning a motor! Once my wedding's sorted (August) I'll be shopping again. I think another S3 will be in the shortlist, but if I can spend a bit more, who knows??
Thanks to all the PHeaders who've made it more than just owning a motor! Once my wedding's sorted (August) I'll be shopping again. I think another S3 will be in the shortlist, but if I can spend a bit more, who knows??
zebra said:
Haven't met you but sorry to hear the car's going and commiserations for getting married as well.
What he said...

zebra said:
Never mind you can always go for the Sagaris + divorce route in the future.
I tend to find that one leads to the other regardless of which way around you do it.
harry1972m said:
Sounds good Gareth - I have just spoken with Geoff (AKA GentlemenGoeff) and we are both happy to chauffer you and your best man in convoy in the S's if you fancy it.
That sounds Fab Graham.

WorGC said:
My S3's going to its' new home on Saturday.
Sorry to hear that WorGC. Hope you get back in another TVR as soon as you can! In the meantime...
harry1972m said:
we are both happy to chauffer you and your best man in convoy in the S's if you fancy it
Yes, no problem at all mate.

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