Funniest Thread Ever?

Funniest Thread Ever?



Original Poster:

13 posts

221 months

Thursday 8th March 2007
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This thread has been kicking around for a while but figured you guys might like a laugh at this unfortunate vx owner. If you can't be arsed to read all the replies in between the most important part is the first and last post on that page....enjoy laugh

passenger gez

523 posts

222 months

Thursday 8th March 2007
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ha ha ha ha ha what a muppet!

I remember my dad when i was really young getting pissed in a restaurant and being sure our car was stolen... when we got home the nice theives has parked it in the drive for us.


11,191 posts

266 months

Thursday 8th March 2007
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I'm lost for words. hehe


4,555 posts

225 months

Thursday 8th March 2007
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Nice one, I'm with Judge Gez on this one

shout MUPPET

Mind you, I bet he's one relieved man, I know how I'd feel if I thought my p+j was stolen. He does deserve some stick though.



Original Poster:

13 posts

221 months

Friday 9th March 2007
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Can't believe he came clean about it, think I would have kept stumm!