Another bike fatality on the Helmsley road?

Another bike fatality on the Helmsley road?



Original Poster:

26,902 posts

276 months

Wednesday 7th March 2007
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I hear that the road has been closed for some time following an altercation between a bike and a car... with any luck it's NOT a fatal but roads aren't closed for hours willy-nilly...

lockhart flawse

2,069 posts

246 months

Wednesday 7th March 2007
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Yes - afraid it was a fatality. Bike hit a car. We were stopped and sent back to the Thirsk Rd.



539 posts

247 months

Thursday 8th March 2007
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On my way to work today, three R1s came at me on my side of the road at at warden law back roads, near the karting track, Im a biker and do go a bit mental sometimes, but these were 3 total pricks, could of killed me, I dont care if these people end up in a bucket.


610 posts

225 months

Thursday 8th March 2007
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Thoughts go out to their family.

I had an accident on that road. Still my favourate road, but demands respect.




365 posts

245 months

Thursday 8th March 2007
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Thats why i like 4 wheels !! Glad you were ok though.


1,273 posts

239 months

Thursday 8th March 2007
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designer said:
Thoughts go out to their family.

I had an accident on that road. Still my favourate road, but demands respect.

Hi there, what happened?


610 posts

225 months

Thursday 8th March 2007
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Thought I was still on a race track,

But the grip levels said otherwise. Basically, too much corner angle for the road surface and lowsided into a tree. I still have no memory of what happened. Strangest thing was that I suffered no injuries /pats quality leather, except for memory loss. Just remember waking up in hospital. Looking at those photo's still feels strange, especially the one of me completly knocked out with what looks like someone checking my vitals.


Original Poster:

26,902 posts

276 months

Thursday 8th March 2007
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It's quite common to have no memory of the last few seconds before a blackout... I knew a traffic cop once who said that the ones who can remember every detail of a crash where they end up unconscious are usually lying