Got meself a new motor

Got meself a new motor



Original Poster:

610 posts

225 months

Monday 5th March 2007
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I picked my car up yesturday afer its engine conversion. Unfortunatly, it was pissing down, so couldnt drive it properly, but I am really pleased with the result. Sounds awesome too :wub

Ok, pics dont do it justice.

I have had Nitrons fitted which had lowered the car somewhat too. The splitter is only 85mm off the ground without a driver and I was catching it just creeping out of Dans, so I dont think it will last long on the roads.

Bigthumbupto Dan @ Jude Performance Servies for fitting, Geary @ Eliseparts for providing the Link-Up kit and to Simon for developing the kit.

Cant wait till my next trackday driving


11,191 posts

266 months

Monday 5th March 2007
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That ground clearance may be interesting on the CobWeb run.

Balmoral Green

42,088 posts

259 months

Monday 5th March 2007
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Looks a really nice job. I should get those cracks sorted near the o's rear buttress though


4,555 posts

225 months

Monday 5th March 2007
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Balmoral Green said:
Looks a really nice job. I should get those cracks sorted near the o's rear buttress though

Cruel Warren!

But well spotted!

Nice looking guts there Mark, looking forward to seeing it on Sunday.
