Pistonfest - I can't wait !!!!!

Pistonfest - I can't wait !!!!!



Original Poster:

4,427 posts

272 months

Sunday 25th February 2007
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I can't wait for that little green PF badge to be next to my name.

I don't know wether to take the Mini and try and get it on the track, or take the Lincoln so I don't have to take a tent, I can just sleep in the back - it'll be like a double bed hehe

Is anyone else from the North East going? The Lincoln would be a good support vehicle if anyone needs a lot of stuff carrying down. Generators, gazebo's, tents, tables, chairs.... loads of room.


11,191 posts

266 months

Sunday 25th February 2007
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Just go here and click on 'add my name'. By the way your profile email link isn't working


Original Poster:

4,427 posts

272 months

Sunday 25th February 2007
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tvrbob said:
Just go here and click on 'add my name'. By the way your profile email link isn't working

Strange confused The email addy is correct, wonder what's wrong with it???

Now, where am I supposed to go to add my name?


11,191 posts

266 months

Sunday 25th February 2007
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It appears that nobody can send emails via profile at the moment. That's a bu99er because I have other events going on and that's how PHers contact me about things.


138 posts

259 months

Sunday 25th February 2007
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Byff said:
I don't know wether to take the Mini and try and get it on the track,

I'd wondered the same myself, keep trying to see what it can do but I keep running out of road!

It currently looks like there will be four members of the 'Smith' clan in four different cars, thats what I call dedication to the PH cause!!


Original Poster:

4,427 posts

272 months

Monday 26th February 2007
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stardust said:
I'd wondered the same myself, keep trying to see what it can do but I keep running out of road!

Your just not trying hard enough evil

On a different matter, I might be putting some propper bling'in 22" chrome wheels on the Lincoln, if I do, i'll be in fancy dress as a pimp - I'll just need some Ho's to complete the look.......or I might just bring the Mini. I've just thought, I might have replaced the Mini by then, so I just dunno what to do.


Original Poster:

4,427 posts

272 months

Monday 26th February 2007
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Is anyone else from the North East going to Pistonfest?

I promise I won't show anyone up other than myself.


11,191 posts

266 months

Monday 26th February 2007
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byff said:
Come on, get your logo sorted.


Original Poster:

4,427 posts

272 months

Monday 26th February 2007
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tvrbob said:
byff said:
Come on, get your logo sorted.

I will in good time. Got to sort my wireless connection out, then it's getting booked


11,191 posts

266 months

Monday 26th February 2007
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byff said:

I will in good time.


Original Poster:

4,427 posts

272 months

Monday 26th February 2007
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Buggered up my wireless again, currently using next doors connection.

Hopefully will have everything fixed tomorrow.

Stu R

21,410 posts

226 months

Tuesday 27th February 2007
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Booking up tomorrow, looking forward to popping my pistonfest cherry.

Skyline's getting a whole new sprinkling of mods at the minute, and I'm looking for either a Noble or a Cerbera, so god knows what i'll turn up in. Probably the latter to keep the anti skybarge people at bay hehe


Original Poster:

4,427 posts

272 months

Tuesday 27th February 2007
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I still don't have a logo


11,191 posts

266 months

Tuesday 27th February 2007
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Well you should now. I think they are added periodically.

Edited by tvrbob on Tuesday 27th February 17:30


Original Poster:

4,427 posts

272 months

Tuesday 27th February 2007
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I'm all paid up

Shock and Horror !!!!!!

I've just remembered all my old PF and BB&T stickers are still on the Cerbera's windscreen yikes

I hope I've still got the fella's phone number and he hasn't binned them, I want them back