Skid Pan Tuition



Original Poster:

467 posts

280 months

Friday 23rd February 2007
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Just signed up to do a skid pan course with Durham Constabulary. The course consists of a classroom session followed by approx 1 hour on their skid pan under expert tuition using both front a rear wheel drive cars - all for £100 + VAT

I'll let you know my thoughts once done but seems pretty good value to me.

passenger gez

523 posts

222 months

Friday 23rd February 2007
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Is this a regular thing that they do?



Original Poster:

467 posts

280 months

Saturday 24th February 2007
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Yeah, they ran an advert recently. If you just call Police HQ at Aykley Heads and ask for the Traffic department they will happily discuss it with you.


1,590 posts

229 months

Saturday 24th February 2007
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If you are under 26, don't mind travelling and want to learn more about safe, progressive road driving, see:


26,902 posts

276 months

Sunday 25th February 2007
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Can you do it on a bike?


4,555 posts

225 months

Sunday 25th February 2007
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wedg1e said:
Can you do it on a bike?

.....whilst at the skid pan?bandit


2 posts

217 months

Sunday 25th February 2007
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u'll love the skid pan is class. if its driving school that is takin you on there really canny lads.