bobdylan is letting the side down

bobdylan is letting the side down



Original Poster:

11,191 posts

266 months

Saturday 17th February 2007
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Carole and I passed your business establishment today and spotted your lovely Tamora so wandered over for an ogle. To be polite we then popped in to say hello. Shock horror, mrs bobdylan declared that she was using the Tam and Jim was having a day off.

Jim, I don't understand! You're off work and you chose not to have your P&J to play with? What were you thinking?


2,613 posts

224 months

Saturday 17th February 2007
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I can vouch for Jim I passed him going into Marske roof off grinning ear to ear.


574 posts

222 months

Thursday 22nd February 2007
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laugh ha ha dad says im not a loud to bring her to work anymore as i sumhow end up racking up mileage instead of selling beds angel
i think getting milk from saltburn instead of next door was a great idea driving