Eurofighters over Billingham... NOW!

Eurofighters over Billingham... NOW!



Original Poster:

26,902 posts

276 months

Tuesday 6th February 2007
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There's a thing you don't see very often.


1,590 posts

229 months

Tuesday 6th February 2007
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wedg1e said:
There's a thing you don't see very often.

I can hear them, too.


2,760 posts

253 months

Tuesday 6th February 2007
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I've just ridden from Croft direction to Crathorne and I could hear the distinctive-not-your-usual-Tees-jet noise.


8,751 posts

231 months

Tuesday 6th February 2007
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Work right near teeside airport, see them nearly everyday landing, where doing some interesting training with the older jaguars last week, good to watch for the few seconds until they dissappear!


11,985 posts

267 months

Wednesday 7th February 2007
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after_Shock said:
Work right near teeside airport, see them nearly everyday landing, where doing some interesting training with the older jaguars last week, good to watch for the few seconds until they dissappear!

that must have been funny, it'd have been like a aston martin vanquish S racing round a track against a DB2 hehe


574 posts

222 months

Thursday 8th February 2007
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seen 2 F15s chaseing each other from the sea and up skinygrove vally inbtween redcar and loftus. bloody low two ! not many of the around here either.
also almost crashed watching the longbow apatche manovering at farndale mmmmmm oh my god in turning in to a geek !!!!!