>>> First Shaftos of 2007 - Thursday 8th Feb <<<

>>> First Shaftos of 2007 - Thursday 8th Feb <<<



Original Poster:

11,191 posts

266 months

Sunday 4th February 2007
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Come on, you know you want to. Meet up in the carpark as usual around 7:30 PM

I'll book a table just in case it's busy


4,555 posts

225 months

Sunday 4th February 2007
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Apologies submitted for myself and mrs zebra - we both have prior engagements; we promise to be at the next one.



3,724 posts

295 months

Sunday 4th February 2007
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zebra said:
Apologies submitted for myself and mrs zebra - we both have prior engagements; we promise to be at the next one.


Yep.....You will be in hospital laughbiglaughlaughbiglaugh
& Mrs Zebs will be feeding you grapes.


26,902 posts

276 months

Sunday 4th February 2007
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I say this every time but... I should be able to make this one


2,071 posts

254 months

Sunday 4th February 2007
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Regardless of previous communications, Bob - babysitter booked, plan to be there! Having said that, the babysitter in question has let us down repeatedly and persistantly, so no guarantees. rolleyes

Bl00dy M-i-L


Original Poster:

11,191 posts

266 months

Sunday 4th February 2007
quotequote all
wendyg said:
Regardless of previous communications, Bob - babysitter booked,
Nice one! You need to tell your babysitter you'll remove her front teeth if she lets you down. You being so skill in such things


2,071 posts

254 months

Sunday 4th February 2007
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tvrbob said:
wendyg said:
Regardless of previous communications, Bob - babysitter booked,
Nice one! You need to tell your babysitter you'll remove her front teeth if she lets you down. You being so skill in such things

I could NEVER be so unprofessional! evil


365 posts

240 months

Monday 5th February 2007
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So will it be tvrbob or minipassengerbob?


Original Poster:

11,191 posts

266 months

Monday 5th February 2007
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g32turbo said:
So will it be tvrbob or minipassengerbob?
Carole is adamant that she will be driving her new Cooper S. If the weather is OK we may have to bring two cars. I need an excuse to get the TVR out and good weather is all the excuse I need.

Edited by tvrbob on Monday 5th February 12:45


365 posts

240 months

Monday 5th February 2007
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Top man yes. The Yellow Peril may well get its first outing of 2007 too!


539 posts

247 months

Monday 5th February 2007
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Forecast snow wednesday, will be nice if it keeps off,might be a bit late, but should be there.


1,987 posts

237 months

Monday 5th February 2007
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Hello All...i will be there and if the enemy comes we will be in her car...if its just me then i shall be in the chim...complete with broken rear screen...had the roof down since last thursday...put it up this morning and it made a loud crack as it split from one side to the other...damn this cold weather!!!


Original Poster:

11,191 posts

266 months

Monday 5th February 2007
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andy-w said:
...put it up this morning and it made a loud crack as it split from one side to the other...damn this cold weather!!!
Sorry to hear that. I know it's too late but I keep an old hairdrier in the garage so that I can warm the screen up before moving it.

Edited by tvrbob on Monday 5th February 16:35


1,987 posts

237 months

Monday 5th February 2007
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tvrbob said:
andy-w said:
...put it up this morning and it made a loud crack as it split from one side to the other...damn this cold weather!!!
Sorry to hear that. I know it's too late but I keep an old hairdrier in the garage so that I can warm the screen up before moving it.

Edited by tvrbob on Monday 5th February 16:35

One of them things Bob...you live and earn (expensive learning curve!!!) still it means i wil have a spare rear roof section for a couple of little projects i have got lined up!!!


Original Poster:

11,191 posts

266 months

Tuesday 6th February 2007
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1,056 posts

269 months

Tuesday 6th February 2007
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Bah, I'm still down south, cant make it.


Original Poster:

11,191 posts

266 months

Wednesday 7th February 2007
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Tomorrow night folks


365 posts

240 months

Wednesday 7th February 2007
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So who's going to give a weather update tomorrow?

Currently no snow at all in Redcar but how much will there be towards Sedgefield and Bishop on Thursday.


1,056 posts

269 months

Wednesday 7th February 2007
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Hmm yes, snow.

Last time we tried this in the snow, a few of us came along(in shopping trolleys), but the staff hadn't bothered to turn up and open the place up.....


2,071 posts

254 months

Thursday 8th February 2007
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MickC said:
Hmm yes, snow.

Last time we tried this in the snow, a few of us came along(in shopping trolleys), but the staff hadn't bothered to turn up and open the place up.....

Good point - it Shaftoes actually open?!