What can one say.....

What can one say.....



Original Poster:

524 posts

222 months

Wednesday 31st January 2007
quotequote all


11,191 posts

266 months

Wednesday 31st January 2007
quotequote all
I wish I was a plumber!!!

Stevie Mojo

1,520 posts

248 months

Wednesday 31st January 2007
quotequote all
They're on more money than doctors them plumbers.


2,172 posts

218 months

Wednesday 31st January 2007
quotequote all
bet I could deliver 100 parcels in 2 hours with one of those beasties smokin


505 posts

245 months

Wednesday 31st January 2007
quotequote all
thats not really him turning up at a job.... he's not wearing safety boots.

or even a hard hat (although im not sure if thats mandatory)
we'll just have to shut him down, and take his car as payement....


4,555 posts

225 months

Thursday 1st February 2007
quotequote all
tvrbob said:
I wish I was a plumber!!!

Hang on a minute, I thought you were?????
