Who's Thinking about Pistonfest?
I've been to every one and will be there at PF07 with Carole and my lads. Byff is planning on being there and I expect Mawds will be there too. Basic camping event like BB&T but with more people. Ted has handed over the reins to PHer Galick, see thread
Edited by tvrbob on Sunday 28th January 22:49
anonymous said:
I should say so...might bring a souped up mini instead though but will certainly be bringing the usual beer and barbeque food

I rate BB&T as the best event I went to last year (except for getting a face full of sharp ice) the run out was awesome, the beer, the scenery, the conversation, the buggering about trying to put the tent up etc

minimax said:
I rate BB&T as the best event I went to last year (except for getting a face full of sharp ice) the run out was awesome, the beer, the scenery, the conversation, the buggering about trying to put the tent up etc

tvrbob said:
minimax said:
I rate BB&T as the best event I went to last year (except for getting a face full of sharp ice) the run out was awesome, the beer, the scenery, the conversation, the buggering about trying to put the tent up etc

which is great news, cadwell is my favourite circuit so although there's fairly bland scenery there is a stonking racetrack so i'm not complaining!
i'm thinking about investing in a large stick this year to prod the bonfire with...you see, i'll be over 25 by then and officially an old giffer. might even bring my shooting jacket and some wellies to complete the look

minimax said:
i'm thinking about investing in a large stick this year to prod the bonfire with...you see, i'll be over 25 by then and officially an old giffer. might even bring my shooting jacket and some wellies to complete the look
Ooo you old man you 
...and no mention of the service interval on an EVO or the size of Satch's log or how not to donut a Beetle. Minimax's wellies may go down well though; they should burn quite well on my gigantic BBQ
tvrbob said:
minimax said:
I rate BB&T as the best event I went to last year (except for getting a face full of sharp ice) the run out was awesome, the beer, the scenery, the conversation, the buggering about trying to put the tent up etc

I'll second that - my favourite PH event of last year - hoon was ace, great weather, company and beer

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