Byff is now Cerbera-less
zebra said:
Little piece of historu Byff. You'll have something else soon.
I'll always remember it for the main street drag in Rothbury.
I'll always remember it for the main street drag in Rothbury.
Ah yes. Good memories

The new/old owner has promised me he'll be doing a few PH runs, so hopefully, I'll enjoy watching him doing some tomfoolery.
Hopefully, in the next few hours, I should be buying a Cooper S - not a JCW one, but the additional extras combination I want is like hens teeth to start with.
First impressions - Christ it's slow. I think the Cerb has spoiled me now. I've only had a quick blast round the block in it and I was foot to the floor, waiting for the punch in the back, but it never came. It does seem to go round corners a hell of a lot better than the Cerb, much more point and squirt without having to think about the back end stepping out.
I'll give it a good thrashing tomorrow and report back then.
I'll give it a good thrashing tomorrow and report back then.
Chuckable is how I find them. Carry lots of speed in to and out of the bends and make sure you're in the power band as you exit. The fun is in the challenge of getting the best out of them. Has it still got run-flats on? If so you'll need to get them off and replace with something stickier. With the nylon run-flats on wet roads the grip isn't good enough and ABS triggers too early. Get good rubber and the package come good.
It'll never give you TVR-grin but it's fun to play with and the positive steering, point and squirt, is the best of any of its peers.
Even standard Mini One's can be fun play things in the right hands (Carole's hands).
It'll never give you TVR-grin but it's fun to play with and the positive steering, point and squirt, is the best of any of its peers.
Even standard Mini One's can be fun play things in the right hands (Carole's hands).
byff said:
It's gone. Swapped for bits of paper. I'm gutted, it looked fantastic going past, gleaming clean and sounding fantastic. I feel like someone has pulled the plug and I'm deflating, I'll soon be just a heap on the floor. 

Oh no, Biff without a cerb! What will we do?
Well sorry to hear it eventually went, but hope your new toy fills a bit of that cerb shaped space on your drive. Need more time to drive mine, only 3k miles (inc only 1 trackday) on the clock this year, it's a disgrace.
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