I'm in discussion with tvrbob (and will email you at the weekend Tom) about organising a toon hoon II. (although Tom's left a lot to live up to after Toon Hoon I) Can we have a list of interested parties (drivers and navigators) with some idea of whether you want to meet before all the decent weather disappears, or you want it for the start of the driving weather in the new year (or a christmas meet?)
We may consider heading slightly south to see some of our north yorkshire cousins.
We may consider heading slightly south to see some of our north yorkshire cousins.
Edited by zebra on Thursday 21st September 14:43
tvrbob said:
allyt said:
I know an excellent pub at Ampleforth
This would fit in very well. Ampleforth would make a good starting point. 
Its the White Swan, really excellent, going on Saturday, will need to book early as it gets very busy.
Edited by allyt on Thursday 21st September 17:08
allyt said:
I will be there with my 4 new locking wheel nuts !!

luckily northeast chavs don't go that far south for twokking
Pub looks good and ampleforth would be fine as a starting point. I'll work out a decent route to get to Ampleforth.
Will email you later bob
Edited by zebra on Thursday 21st September 17:55
minimax said:
you'll never keep up on a horse mate, best to take the car HTH

Better cancel my horse riding lessons then

bomb said:
allyt said:
I will be there with my 4 new locking wheel nuts !!
Oh Bugger. I was going to nick your wheels.

Just going for the valve caps?

Edit: Can we go/come back via Rothbury to meet the lovely residents there again?

Edited by southpaw on Thursday 21st September 18:48
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