Help! Elise dodgy window

After driving home last weekend and scaring the life out of my Dad for 20 minutes in the Elise he got out of the car and shut the door quite firmly, shall we say.
The window was down and made a bit of a rattle, then on my way back up to the toon i tried to put the electric window up and it got nearly to the top when suddenly it almost moved forward on its mountings and stopped angled forward with about a quater inch gap remaining towards the front.
After a bit of 'crying' and pulling, the window righted itself and shut properly.
This happened again today so i'm thinking it may have fallen off its mounting,
Is it simple enough to allen key off the door panel and re mount this myself or do I take it to HHC for them to fix???
Probably any main dealer can do work under warranty, so try F1 as well, since it's a bit handier for you.
It'd probably be worth posting questions like this in the PH Elise Forum as well, a host of knowledgable people on there:
It'd probably be worth posting questions like this in the PH Elise Forum as well, a host of knowledgable people on there:
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