


10,146 posts

251 months

Wednesday 7th January 2004
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WD* said:
Tom, I treid to reply to your mail and it said that the address didnt exist

Well guys, do I take it from the lack of response that it aint going ahead? Seeing as how there are only 4 of us interested in quasar it seems pointless doing that, but drinks are still a possibility.

this is exactly why it was in general gassing, at least people read it in there

Ted! Ted! She's got her handbag out!


11,175 posts

258 months

Wednesday 7th January 2004
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I guess shootemup is not quite petrolhead enough. I know I'd rather be driving and chatting.


517 posts

258 months

Wednesday 7th January 2004
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Sorry, can't make Thursday night meets as I'm already busy.
What's the next meeting in Feb?
On the callender it just says 'The Talpore'.
No reason why I can't make that meeting, wherever it is...
Just don't expect the Marcos, it's getting a new interior at the moment.


Original Poster:

4,045 posts

254 months

Wednesday 7th January 2004
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tvrbob said:
I guess shootemup is not quite petrolhead enough. I know I'd rather be driving and chatting.

everyone seemed enthusiastic enough at the last meet.

The Talpore, for those who don't know it, is located at the Tees Barrage, just off the A66 at stockton.


11,175 posts

258 months

Wednesday 7th January 2004
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WD* said:
everyone seemed enthusiastic enough at the last meet.
Guess I'm just reacting to seeing my favourite web site turning into a chat room for people who only have a passing interested in cars. Well nothing lasts for ever.


34,441 posts

306 months

Wednesday 7th January 2004
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tvrbob said:

Guess I'm just reacting to seeing my favourite web site turning into a chat room for people who only have a passing interested in cars. Well nothing lasts for ever.

Now you know I'm not going to let that happen!


11,175 posts

258 months

Thursday 8th January 2004
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PetrolTed said:
Now you know I'm not going to let that happen!
Flipin ek I didn't think you'd be reading this thread. Sorry Ted, just trying to make a point.


517 posts

258 months

Thursday 8th January 2004
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WD* said:
The Talpore, for those who don't know it, is located at the Tees Barrage, just off the A66 at stockton.

Thanks WD*, that makes things a bit clearer!
tvrbob said:
Guess I'm just reacting to seeing my favourite web site turning into a chat room for people who only have a passing interested in cars. Well nothing lasts for ever.

I think that's a bit harsh, so long as it's a bunch of petrolheads doing something as a group, sureley the activity doesn't matter that much?
And as for the forum becoming a chat-room for people with only a passing interest in cars, I think you know that just ain't true.


Original Poster:

4,045 posts

254 months

Thursday 8th January 2004
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chrisj said:

tvrbob said:
Guess I'm just reacting to seeing my favourite web site turning into a chat room for people who only have a passing interested in cars. Well nothing lasts for ever.

I think that's a bit harsh, so long as it's a bunch of petrolheads doing something as a group, sureley the activity doesn't matter that much?
And as for the forum becoming a chat-room for people with only a passing interest in cars, I think you know that just ain't true.

Agreed, I may only drive a 1.2 corsa, and know next to nothing about cars other than where to put appropriate fluids (even oil ), does this count as a passing interest? I know what I like the look of, the sound of, and what I would like to drive and also the reverse of those things. From the guys I have met at the PH meets so far, I certainly wouldnt say Chris with his highly polished TVR has just a passing interest, nor Tom with his Mini, and certainly not Ian 'doughnutboy' wedg1e.

It was made as a suggestion against simply sitting in the pub discussing what has fallen off your car since the last meet, but if everyone wants to do the same old thing every time then fine, but seeing as how the turnout is never spectaculr, I would say that that isn't actually all that popular, at least not in the northeast, anyway.

Every other area has a good turn out for meets, some becoming infamous. We have 6 people sat in the cock of the north moaning about who has come the furthest and jumping at the window everytime a car enters the car park. Rivetting.


12,689 posts

260 months

Thursday 8th January 2004
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WD* said:
We have 6 people sat in the cock of the north moaning about who has come the furthest and jumping at the window everytime a car enters the car park. Rivetting.

Well... it is grim up north...


11,175 posts

258 months

Thursday 8th January 2004
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WD* said:

tvrbob said:


In the interests of cooling things down.


11,984 posts

259 months

Friday 9th January 2004
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WD* said:

I would say that that isn't actually all that popular, at least not in the northeast

why so? this puzzles me.

WD* said:

Every other area has a good turn out for meets, some becoming infamous. We have 6 people sat in the cock of the north moaning about who has come the furthest and jumping at the window everytime a car enters the car park. Rivetting.

may I meekly suggest a small degree of hoonage then retire to a hostelry to discuss the hoonage and which bits have fallen off our cars...oh and my westfield will be ready for the next meet as well


11,984 posts

259 months

Friday 9th January 2004
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WD* said:
Tom, I treid to reply to your mail and it said that the address didnt exist

It does exist! honest!

WD* said:

this is exactly why it was in general gassing, at least people read it in there

I just thought people would soon start complaining that their meeting threads have to be in events, and say that why should ours be in GG attracting greater readership...just trying to play fair...maybe in light of the small band of followers the NEPH meets have the mods would allow us back to GG? after everyone's wiped their feet on my back on the way in that is!*

*don't worry that is a joke!


Original Poster:

4,045 posts

254 months

Tuesday 13th January 2004
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minimax said:

WD* said:

I would say that that isn't actually all that popular, at least not in the northeast

why so? this puzzles me.

The rather meager turnouts...


11,984 posts

259 months

Wednesday 14th January 2004
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WD* said:

minimax said:

WD* said:

I would say that that isn't actually all that popular, at least not in the northeast

why so? this puzzles me.

The rather meager turnouts...

sorry. what I should have said was it puzzles me why we have such a low turnout in the NE for out PH meets.


11,175 posts

258 months

Thursday 15th January 2004
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minimax said:
sorry. what I should have said was it puzzles me why we have such a low turnout in the NE for out PH meets.
Not sure I dare have an opinion here anymore for fear of wrath but I venture it has something to do with winter. I for one don't like taking my car out in bad weather and there's no way it's going on the roads now until we've had sufficient rain to wash away all the salt that our councils have deposited. Being PH (and here's where I'll get slated) I believe these events should normally have some automotive connection. If attendance means using one of my utility cars then the point of this being PH is somehow lost. Yes we can do non-automotive things, shoot-em-up just doesn't appeal to me, it's for the Game Boy generation.

You will find that some of the successful groups have their roots in TVRCC RO's. They had good attendance before PH. There's then the issue that festered last year over unwillingness to drive any distance. I'm sorry but I can't get my head around that one. I'm only here because I enjoy driving. (I'll no doubt be slated for this opinion too).

Works for me


11,984 posts

259 months

Thursday 15th January 2004
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tvrbob said:

Not sure I dare have an opinion here anymore for fear of wrath but I venture it has something to do with winter. I for one don't like taking my car out in bad weather and there's no way it's going on the roads now until we've had sufficient rain to wash away all the salt that our councils have deposited.

can't say I agree with you there my fellow cainer, my westy has aluminium panels and the mini rusts anyway so this does not bother me.

tvrbob said:
Being PH (and here's where I'll get slated) I believe these events should normally have some automotive connection.
absolutely agreed on that one though

tvrbob said:

If attendance means using one of my utility cars then the point of this being PH is somehow lost.

diminished yes, but not lost I think - who cares what car you came in when you're in a pub with a load of like minded people talking about caining? I can see that if we go driving afterwards ie in the spring/summer months it would be pointless, but after all in the spring/summer there won't be any salt on the roads and your prize machine can venture out.

tvrbob said:

Yes we can do non-automotive things, shoot-em-up just doesn't appeal to me, it's for the Game Boy generation.

fair enough

tvrbob said:

You will find that some of the successful groups have their roots in TVRCC RO's. They had good attendance before PH.

not a lot the non tivver owners can do about that but I take your point

tvrbob said:

There's then the issue that festered last year over unwillingness to drive any distance. I'm sorry but I can't get my head around that one. I'm only here because I enjoy driving. (I'll no doubt be slated for this opinion too).

I completely agree. This is a motoring website primarily for those who enjoy driving. why on earth would we not want to drive miles and miles chasing other fellow cainers? I certainly would, and if it comes down to it tvrbob, then it'll just be me & thee off for a blast to blakey ridge & back. sheesh!

tvrbob said:

Works for me

works for me too! sorry about the huge post but I have time on my hands in a lecture, and my college has broadband....


4,427 posts

264 months

Thursday 15th January 2004
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When we met at the red Lion, I'd only just sold the Cerb and I felt like a fish out of water sitting with a Rover diesel in the car park.

Now that I'm in a Tiv again, I'm ready for a meet and yes, I'll drive miles for the occasion, as long as it's in the Cerb.

So Bob, your not alone, but I still drive the Cerb in any weather conditions regardless of how much salt is on the road - gives me an excuse to wash it when I get back home.


11,984 posts

259 months

Thursday 15th January 2004
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Byff said:
Now that I'm in a Tiv again, I'm ready for a meet and yes, I'll drive miles for the occasion, as long as it's in the Cerb.

so, that, bob, byff & me for a cain out at some point. any other takers?


11,175 posts

258 months

Thursday 15th January 2004
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minimax said:
so, that, bob, byff & me for a cain out at some point. any other takers?
Dexy will wish to be included and I'd expect Wedg1e & WildfireS3 too.