Map of ULEZ Cameras London

Map of ULEZ Cameras London



Original Poster:

2 posts

29 months

Wednesday 23rd February 2022
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TFL Have said that they will not release the location of the cameras used to enforce the expanded ULEZ restrictions, as detailed in this FOI Statement.

Sure....knowing the exact locations of the cameras, might help a resident who lives within the ULEZ zone to navigate a route through the zone, avoiding the camera and therefore avoiding the charge.

However, the Cameras at the boundaries to the zone will mean that anybody driving through will still need to pay the charge, and releasing the camera locations might mean that the scheme might get a bit more support from residents who are now adversely impacted by this initiative because they now know which route to take through their local community, and the net impact on the effectiveness of the scheme, would in my view, be minimal.

Essentially local residents are going to have to be bothered enough to check out the camera locations and work out a route, some will, but I suspect, most won't. Honestly, I really don't think it would have that much of an impact on the scheme or the ££ they earn from it.

So....does anybody know if there's an unofficial map of the ULEZ camera locations out there? I've tried searching but found nothing......and if there isn't one....maybe there should be.


Original Poster:

2 posts

29 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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I've started the ball rolling.....created a map with the locations of 3 Cameras near me. I'm hoping that this mapping site will allow me to open it up to others so we can have lots of people contributing. Otherwise it's going to take up a LOT of my time.

My initial stab can be found here>>

However, I've more research to do, as to how I can open this up and make it truly interactive.