Drinks In The City - Part IV (It's Been Too Long)

Drinks In The City - Part IV (It's Been Too Long)



6,316 posts

259 months

Sunday 17th October 2004
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Looing like I'll be in Reading Thurs and Fri, which would free me up for dropping into the city for a beer..

Send me the details and I'll let you know if it looks like I'll make it..


9,294 posts

268 months

Tuesday 19th October 2004
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Sounds fun.

Details pls

Big T

Original Poster:

1,337 posts

257 months

Tuesday 19th October 2004
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You should all have details now, if not then mail me.

I forgot to say that I'll be there at approx 6 but if you wanna get there earlier then feel free. Just say to them you're with Tony.

Remember, happy hour is between 5 and 7 and it does get mobbed at those times, lot's of pretty girls too...lovely jubbly...T.


9,294 posts

268 months

Thursday 21st October 2004
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Sorry all.

became unexpectedly 'required'...

hope the usual fun and extertainment was had..

Cya @ Cpt Kidd.

V8 Archie

4,703 posts

251 months

Friday 22nd October 2004
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Offsite today again. I'll have to try for Wapping instead.


12,248 posts

285 months

Friday 22nd October 2004
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chaps&chapesses, client night went on too long, sorry I missed it, hope the hangovers arent too bad.


3,160 posts

261 months

Friday 22nd October 2004
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The bagels were the usual top quality!!!


7,916 posts

258 months

Friday 22nd October 2004
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tony_996hasgone said:
The bagels were the usual top quality!!!

Indeed... 70p for a bagel! Fantastico! Sitting here with a hangover looking at my second one...

Was a great night. Good to meet Rich, Jamesy etc for the first time, and always a pleasure being in the company of the regulars.


9,294 posts

268 months

Friday 22nd October 2004
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tony_996hasgone said:
The bagels were the usual top quality!!!

Bugger.. was looking forward to the whole after drinks bagels et al :!



913 posts

254 months

Friday 22nd October 2004
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Good to see all you again and meet some of you for the first time, shame I couldn't drink though but hope you all feel suitably hungover



7,916 posts

258 months

Friday 22nd October 2004
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zzr1200 said:
Good to see all you again and meet some of you for the first time, shame I couldn't drink though but hope you all feel suitably hungover

But you got to ride home on the zzr! Can't be that much of a compromise...

hangover is over now Now wheres that bagel...


913 posts

254 months

Friday 22nd October 2004
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rico said:

But you got to ride home on the zzr! Can't be that much of a compromise...

Apart from the fact it was raining half way home!!! I caught Ed up in his freeloader, but then on the A12 had to sit behind him 'cause it was so damn slippery!

Managed to wind it up on the M11/A120 though!

Thought I saw you guys standing outside as I rode past the club?


7,916 posts

258 months

Saturday 23rd October 2004
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zzr1200 said:
Thought I saw you guys standing outside as I rode past the club?

A few of us stood outside for a bit to say goodbyes and decide on route onwards. I do recall seeing a bike...

Big T

Original Poster:

1,337 posts

257 months

Saturday 23rd October 2004
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Thanks to everyone who turned up, it was good to see you all and put some faces to names, Rich, Nick, ShadyTree, ClubSport...and nice as always to see the usual bunch.

'Jamesy", how was the hangover the next day fella??? , thanks for getting a big round of drinks and some more food in, oh and a face full of chips , I'll get you back for that mister!!!

'Tony996'. cheers chap for getting a load of drinks and food in.....The after party was as entertaining as usual

Felt like sh!t as usual the next day though.

Shame not everyone could get there so hopefully next time you can join in....I'll arrange another bash in November sometime.



2,090 posts

245 months

Monday 25th October 2004
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Yep ..sorry I couldn't make it. I overlooked the small issue of the wifes brithday...D'oh!


48 posts

287 months

Tuesday 26th October 2004
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Thanks for organising a great night....Big Apologies about the chips...I'm sure you'll get your revenge.

Also, apologies for jumping early prior to bagels and after-hours activities...but I was suffering a little too much by then.

Great to meet everyone else....looking forward to the next one... hopefully I will be fully recovered by then after missing a day at work on Friday

Roll on November

Cheers Steve