Anyone live in Dallas?

Anyone live in Dallas?



Original Poster:

16,017 posts

242 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2008
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Hi All,

My wife is looking at moving there with her job but we don't know too much about what its like there? Do you (as above), either live there or know someone who does that I can contact for a realistic view of the place?




106 posts

263 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2008
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Look up Texas Lotus Club on Yahoo groups. They are based in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and folk there should be able to fill you in on life in the Big "D".

Good luck.

Al B.


62 months

Sunday 12th October 2008
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I don't live here but am in Richardson at the moment. It's as flat as a pancake to the horizon and we didn't get to see any Lotus friendly roads from the air on the approach to DFW. God knows how far you have to go to find a hill and\or twistie.


Original Poster:

16,017 posts

242 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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Looks like it might be Colorado now! Pikes peak and lots of mountain roads!


132 posts

183 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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DFW area ain't that bad -- you can get a lot of house for the money, and there are some decent roads and a race track just west of Ft. Wort. CO should be sweet though, and the MTBing is also first rate