Sorry bought another car...

Sorry bought another car...



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1,736 posts

203 months

Thursday 29th September 2016
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Very happy with my new (since June) purchase , the LAST V8S alive !!
It took some time to get a V5C but I finally managed with the great help of Longers and my friend Tom (in UK)

The story behind it is a bit sad. Some years ago it was asked on PH to search for a car in Holland which belonged to his friend who died to young. I found the car for him but in the end it was not economical for him to bring the car back to UK. So last June I called the Dutch keeper to ask if it was still for sale. He said yes and I went viewing it. Although it looked a bit rough I could not resist..

The car has been standing outside for +/- 10 years and is a bit rusty in some places. Chassis seems in good condition. My plan is to get it running again and recondition it as much as possible. Will take my time ;-)


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1,736 posts

203 months

Thursday 29th September 2016
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Le TVR said:
where are the exhaust pipes?
Thanks , pipes are dust in the wind....


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1,736 posts

203 months

Thursday 29th September 2016
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v8s4me said:
Congratulation Han! Will you have it ready for Spa? biggrin You might want to see if that number plate is still allocated to the vehicle in the UK. It might be worth a good few quid thumbup
No, not for Spa !! And YES , the plate is still allocated to the car !! ;-))
On the other hand , it's an M.. plate which will fit very few V8S ;-(


Original Poster:

1,736 posts

203 months

Thursday 29th September 2016
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PotlessPaul said:
How did you persuade Anita to let you have a V8?
I am simply irresistible; -)


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1,736 posts

203 months

Monday 3rd October 2016
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jwigglesworth said:
Le TVR said:
Ooh, a Todd Rundgren fan?
I thought Kansas did Dust In The Wind?
They both did ! But I had Kansas in mind and do have some Vinyl from Todd ;-)


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1,736 posts

203 months

Wednesday 12th October 2016
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I am planning to buy a complete set of carpets from Lakewell however this colour is not a standard colour in their option list.

What would be the name of this carpet colour ?


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1,736 posts

203 months

Wednesday 12th October 2016
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Thanks guys, I guess burgundy comes closest !! I will call Lakewell and ask them if they can make this.


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1,736 posts

203 months

Thursday 13th October 2016
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ChrisGadd said:
Nice to see another car rescued .... found this in the garage genuine new old stock part bought many moons ago let me know if you're interested
Hi Chris, could come in handy, thanks ! I know my swirl pot is flaked but not sure how the overall condition is.

What do you want for it, PM if you like.


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1,736 posts

203 months

Thursday 13th October 2016
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bluezeeland said:
TurboTony said:

Well done for saving another S from extinction.

I would think about a contrasting carpet colour, given that the seats and trim seem do be a dark wine colour. Very now! To match the carpet may be too much of the same thing. Originalty does not matter because there is no such thing with a TVR!

Looking forward to meeting up again soon in either of your steeds. Please send my best regards to Anita.

Tony, the voice sense of as always..............if the leather(ette) is ok, I would even darken it a few shades (with a furniture clinic set, you can lend my compressor and spray-gun, if needed) and have the carpets in grey...........I know it sounds naff, but dark red (call it ox-blood) and grey over bright blue will look good ! If you need a hand > call !
Thanks for tips !! Didn't condsider to change the carpet colour because I like original ;-) But you might have a point and magnolia carpet with burgundy overmats could be an option ;-)) Not a fan of grey and since the console/seats are full leather I just clean and wax them, no need for re-colour..


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1,736 posts

203 months

Saturday 15th October 2016
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Barkychoc said:
Scroll down - leather probably russet or mulberry - TVR used a lot of Jag colours in identical shades and names.

Speak to a Jag specialist they may be able to help with carpet colours etc. if you want to keep it original.
HI Chris , do you mean on the Segal Trimming website ? Could you copy the link, couldn't find mulberry/russet


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1,736 posts

203 months

Monday 8th October 2018
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Time for an update wink Over the last 2 years some work was done, mainly interior. The plan however, still, is to do a body off for which the engine needs to come out. A BIG job for me with restricted mechanical skills. The work done so far : carpets, seats and console out, after a quick wash and "some" leather grease they almost look like new again.
Next job was to remove all bolts which hold the body in place, all done except 1 snapped ;( Remains of exhaust removed. Bonnet off, cooling out. Next major job was to remove the 2x8 completely solidly rusted bolts on the Y-piece flanges smashsmash Prop-shaft out, engine mounts loosened, engine harness connectors disconnected, fuel and coolant hoses off.
Then for the big lift ! All is very tight but after some wiggling it came out.. happy days. Engine will be checked because it didn't run for some years. A (TVR S3) friend, Mark might have some storage so the rebuild can continue during winter-time.
Next step : Body off wink To be continued...


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1,736 posts

203 months

Tuesday 9th October 2018
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Penelope Stopit said:
Nicely done
Don't forget to replace the crush-on terminal with a proper one
By all means wink

BIG DUNC said:
Good work.
Not too much work to pop the body off now.
very true, looking forward to some nice jobs on the chassis


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1,736 posts

203 months

Tuesday 9th October 2018
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Kitchski said:
I know you've done it already, but why so? Rounded off exhaust manifold bolt or something?
1. Engine needs a good inspection, I expect nothing major on cylinders or camshafts but the engine did not run for some years, coolant that came out looked too "brownish". Don't know how good/bad the injectors are.

2. Manifold bolts not rounded but look very rusted and especially the rear ones are hard to reach with engine in.

Altogether this looked the easiest way out wink


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1,736 posts

203 months

Monday 31st December 2018
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Y-piece and headers in stainless by Clive_F : Happy new year ;-)

Engine now at JE Developments for a strip and rebuild.


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1,736 posts

203 months

Tuesday 1st January 2019
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v8s4me said:
That's nice. Will you have the V8S ready for the EuroTour?
Happy New Year Han &
Thanks Joe ! Not ready for Euro Tour I am afraid, good work takes (more) time ;-)


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1,736 posts

203 months

Sunday 27th September 2020
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As posted on FACEBOOK, the body is now off. Chassis in very good condition. Big Thanks to the team.


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203 months

Saturday 3rd October 2020
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Jaye R said:
Hi...hope you and Anita are keeping safe & well smile

I wish that I had had all that space when I did mine smile Enjoy the refurb smile

Hi Jaye, yes all ok here thanks ! Hope the same for you and revlimiter and Ellie ;-) I can rent the space for as long as needed, it's heated so we can work during wintertime. Some bolts needed a grinder, rebuild should be easier ! ;-)

Cheers, Han


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1,736 posts

203 months

Monday 14th December 2020
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Small update (as seen on FB) , chassis is back in shiny red. No welding or repairs needed, all good ! let the rebuild begin ;-)


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1,736 posts

203 months

Monday 14th December 2020
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It's a low mileage, many years off the road, 2 previous owners, very well looked after car. REALLY lucky !


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1,736 posts

203 months

Tuesday 15th December 2020
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magpies said:
very nice thumbup

will it be ready for Dijon?
I doubt it, but more important : Is Covid ready with us ???