Deserter !!!

Deserter !!!



Original Poster:

8,540 posts

293 months

Monday 15th April 2002
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Went round to give PaulV a hand with his exhaust manifolds at the weekend and felt like a bit of a deserter......

Got round there and Paul had managed to get some of the bolts out. 1 had snapped at this point and after further work (another snapped and 2 well rounded) we decided the only course of action was to remove the heads, which Paul is getting cleaned up etc

After I'd helped Paul to totally strip the top off his engine and got the surounding floor covered in a variety of components and general disarray I then left !!!

I felt like a complete deserter and that I had dumped all this on him. Poor bugger has got all this lot to clear up and clean up. Once its all done I'll be going round to give him a hand to put it all back together again.

Am I guilty ??? Why did I feel so guilty when I left on Saturday ??? Maybe its because I know all the work he now has getting it ready to go back together again !!! How can I redeem myself ???

PS - Paul's internet access has been cut at work so he may not respond to this for a couple of days !!


175 posts

280 months

Monday 15th April 2002
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hope that your exhaust manifold bolt-shaped Voodoo puppets do not have the power to make snap mine as well, all the way over the channel!


Paul V

4,489 posts

288 months

Monday 15th April 2002
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Bloody right, got all my tools out, took my car to bits then buggered off, only came back when i mentioned curry!!!

Well I am going to try and get the bolts out myself, going to give lots of heat and some brut force, if I still can’t they’ll be off to the engine shop to get them out then I’ll do the valves etc, put them all back together and away we go!!!

Bloody people cut off my Internet. Still where there’s a will....


971 posts

278 months

Tuesday 16th April 2002
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There is a distinct pleasure in causing mayhem at the expence of someone else!

But Johno, you missed the point mate. You have given Paul hours of endless fun. As he works his way through the various bits and finds even more needs doing than he thought (been there, done it)he'll be on the phone thanking you!

Just think of all the knowledge that you have given this man in return for nothing ( I expect you charged him for petrol)and a curry!

Is it a cert for chattsworth yet, let me know mate!


Paul V

4,489 posts

288 months

Tuesday 16th April 2002
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No I made him pay for his own curry, and petrol. Still at least if he needs to borrow it again it will be sorted!!!!


Original Poster:

8,540 posts

293 months

Tuesday 16th April 2002
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No I made him pay for his own curry, and petrol. Still at least if he needs to borrow it again it will be sorted!!!!

You'll be needing to borrow mine !!!!!

Paul V

4,489 posts

288 months

Tuesday 16th April 2002
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Is that an offer?