The birds they mock me



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259 months

Friday 9th April 2010
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Any general tips for taking pics of birds?(the flying kind)

Also how do you deal with the shot that got away smile

inspired by a few of your pictures and having 2 Blue tits and 2 Robins who hang around in the garden all day I got the camera out today.

get camera ready on little tripod on arm of sofa (right next to patio window) fill bird feeder with lovely live wriggling worms about 6 feet from patio and wait wand wait some more.

nothing appears, watch a film constantly looking out of window nothing. Bah

walk to get coffee leaving camera set up stop and look out of window just as a robin arrives on its usual perch a few feet away. Don't want to go for camera as if I move ot will fly off

Then a blue tit arives and lands next to it on the same branch then the other blue tit lands on the other side of it!

for a few seconds a frigging robin blue tit sandwhich 6 feet away!! then teh robin does its usual humbing bird impression which would been a good pic on its own as it eyes up a worm.

Never! never have they frigging done this before in fact until recently the blue tits always attacked/harrassed the robins when they arrived.

I swear they are taking the piss

think I'll try cars at least you can get them to stay still

Edited by Pesty on Friday 9th April 19:27


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42,655 posts

259 months

Friday 9th April 2010
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Awsome shot! the detail of the feathers is amazing

I take it you were aimed at the little stand waiting for one to land? or are you able to move the camera around.

problem I have two large cage feeders and they can go in at any angle also they can sit anywhere along the branch where they eye the worms up.

I'd had an idea though looking at that pic.
I could sit in the shed with the doors open. The robins already will stay in the garden as long as I don't get too close sometimes they will fly in the tree next to me as I put the worms out.
but I only have a basic point and click. No lense that would get a decent shot at that distance.


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42,655 posts

259 months

Friday 9th April 2010
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Great pics guys keep them coming

Getting them in the garden isnt a problem Getting them to do it when I have a camera is smile
guess I need more patience

Like the idea about a hole in a piece of cloth. In fact if I open the patio doors I can close the curtains to leave a small gap that sould do it. Cheers


Original Poster:

42,655 posts

259 months

Saturday 10th April 2010
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Fantastic pictures guys.

I only have a compact point and click digital ( a Ricoh caplio R6 7.1 zoom lense not enough frown )and this was my first attempt.

I can see that if I want to take some proper pictures I need a decent camera with a zoom lense of some kind.

I didtched the little tri pod because They were not playing ball again and by the time I adjusted to where they were the little buggers moved. All 4 were in the garden at the same time again but not where I wanted them! Also teh zoom is not enough for taking from from where I was set up

These were taken with me stood in front of the patio door through the glass never taken wildlife photos before I just get enjoyment out of watching them all day so thought I would try and get some shots. They are pretty used to me and don't mind me standing in full view as long as I don't move too sharply.

rubish compared to your pics but you have to start somewhere smile

Edited by Pesty on Saturday 10th April 13:11


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42,655 posts

259 months

Saturday 10th April 2010
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GetCarter said:
a few

Love that!


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42,655 posts

259 months

Tuesday 27th April 2010
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Right first ever shots with a DSLR. shooting from inside door open everything on full auto. its a bit dull outside and I was shooting from inside where it was darker I assume this is not ideal. Think I definitely need a longer zoom lense. This was with 18-70mm wound full out

after spendings loads of cash I took better pics with the £60 point and shoot smile

check me out my first ever crop I belive you call it

Edited by Pesty on Tuesday 27th April 14:56


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42,655 posts

259 months

Friday 30th April 2010
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Couldnt help playing with my new lense even though light was poor.

This time I set the camera to the little running man setting smile see how technical I am. had it in fast shoot mode took loads most were blured even though subject was still . I guess its the shutter speed getcarter mentioned above. Will have to read how to speed up the shutter and next time shoot when its bright.

Edited by Pesty on Friday 30th April 19:13


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42,655 posts

259 months

Friday 30th April 2010
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Need to do a bit of pruning though. think I will snap that bit of twig off near its head spoiled a lot of shots because camera focused on that instead of bird.

So next step do a bit of manual reading for how to set fast shutter speed.

wait till a sunny day then fill feeder full of juicy worms

Edited by Pesty on Friday 30th April 19:22


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42,655 posts

259 months

Monday 3rd May 2010
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Ok I'm learning my way around the camera now sorry some more boring robin pics very similar to the last ones smile I promise I will move onto other things soon

1/500 shutter priority everything else auto

so with a faster shutter speed less light goes in thats why they are a little dark?(it was still dull outside just wanted to play with the shutter priority)

Other than wait for a brighter ter day how do I let more light in with a fast shutter speed?

that one twig removed that covered robins head last time on its favourite perch

guess 1/500 was not fast enough for this shot

The bait


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42,655 posts

259 months

Monday 3rd May 2010
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Thanks for that info. will read up on the ISO settings.

excellent shot. Now thats nice bright colour.

No my pics are as they came off the camera card no processing

Edited by Pesty on Monday 3rd May 16:39


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42,655 posts

259 months

Monday 3rd May 2010
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Yes big improvement thanks.

I'm sure I have photoshop type disk somewhere. bought it years ago never used it will see if I can dig it out.


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259 months

Monday 3rd May 2010
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Furyous said:
Pesty, the exif shows that pic was at ISO1600, which is more than high enough I would have thought.


It also shows you have -0.33ev set up, which means you are slightly under exposing anyway.This would cause some darkness, along with the fact you also have spot metering set up instead of matrix,which may have exposed better.

does that mean if i trawl through my settings I can change to matrix metering and if I can change the -.33ev (whatever that is) what do I change it to.

Also, is F6 the best you can get at full length ?

errrm, sorry furious my first ever proper camera can't see F6 anywhere it says on it 70-300 1:4 5.6

I should also add that Im no expert.
Edited by Pesty on Monday 3rd May 17:00


Original Poster:

42,655 posts

259 months

Monday 3rd May 2010
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ican change ev from 1/3 to 1/2 can't find any options for meterimg. will have to read the manual about that

ok now set metering to matrix

Edited by Pesty on Monday 3rd May 17:06


Original Poster:

42,655 posts

259 months

Monday 3rd May 2010
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Damn this thing has more buttons than a frigging fighter plane.

Exposure set to 0 (its not in the menu its one of the 100 buttons on the body)
EV step back to 1/3


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42,655 posts

259 months

Monday 3rd May 2010
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good point smile


Original Poster:

42,655 posts

259 months

Monday 3rd May 2010
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Right. Thats the camera sorted all I need now is an imagination, which I don't have.

You want some blue tits?


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42,655 posts

259 months

Sunday 9th May 2010
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Colin RedGriff said:
excellent shots !

I want some of those in the garden


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42,655 posts

259 months

Saturday 19th June 2010
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adamfogerty said:
I know the original request was for advice, but I can't think of anything to add beyond what has already been said. So I'll just copy everyone else and add some pics instead smile
keep them coming they are excellent


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42,655 posts

259 months

Thursday 29th July 2010
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Deatils please smile


Original Poster:

42,655 posts

259 months

Thursday 29th July 2010
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lol I was wondering where you found that we coloured beastie.

Nice shots all the same