==TransporTed== (I've had a stupid idea - any interest? )

==TransporTed== (I've had a stupid idea - any interest? )



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282 months

Sunday 18th June 2006
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I decided to send my tiny teddy bear on a world trip (via post to other people) and get photos of him in as many different & interesting places (maybe doing daft things) as possible. All photos e mailed back will be posTed on his personal web site. It's a stupid idea... but hey, someones gotta' have 'em.

I thought it might be good if we got a few PistonTeds to start the ball rolling... then we can unleash him on an unsuspecting world.

Anyone want to join this stupid game? The further away from here the better - I am trying to send him as many miles as possible before he gets decapitaTed - or worse.

If you want to join in, post your name and location on this thread and we'll start the ball rolling. I guess in here we cover Spain, Ireland, New Zealand, Holland, USA, Hong Kong etc. oh and England - and of course going back and forwards to England will clock up the acumulaTed miles.

If any are interesTed, I'll get an address from you and snail mail Ted.... and you can send it to another from this forum... and when we are all bored to hell with the idea, we can send him into the unknown and see what happens. yikes Poor Ted.

Check out http://www.stevecarter.com/transported/ted1.htm

P.S. (I was going to call him PetrolTed, but thought I'd get sued)

Edited by GetCarter on Thursday 26th June 09:08


Original Poster:

29,448 posts

282 months

Sunday 18th June 2006
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J111 said:

How are you going to get him back ?

I have inserTed a homing beacon.

(ediTed to add.. no I haven't... everyone has to e mail me the photos, so I'll ask them to send him home).

Edited by GetCarter on Sunday 18th June 14:50


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29,448 posts

282 months

Sunday 18th June 2006
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UKBob said:

Ive seen travelling teddy photo diaries before, its a great idea

Damn... I thought I'd done something differnt (for once)... still, our teddy will be the best.


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29,448 posts

282 months

Sunday 18th June 2006
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Crikey - what a great response. Looks like he's set for some travels.

He loves all the places mentioned... If I send him to you Paul (Gopher) could you get a pic in Canada (Far too good an oportunity to miss) then send him from there back to someone else on this thread - perhaps take an address before you go?

From there on - he's on his own.

I'll e mail you.


ta ta Ted.


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29,448 posts

282 months

Sunday 18th June 2006
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Whenever I get a photo, I'll put it on www.TransporTed.me.uk and flag it up on this thread.


Original Poster:

29,448 posts

282 months

Monday 19th June 2006
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He's in the post to Gopher - who is now the official 'Bearer'


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29,448 posts

282 months

Monday 19th June 2006
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Actually, I think I'll mail myself and the bloody Ted can stay at home!

BTW - Whenever any of you get him... I think one good photo per location/photographer would be good (or I'll end up with pages and pages of photos of him sitting in every form of TVR known to man)


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29,448 posts

282 months

Tuesday 20th June 2006
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The 'Bear-er' will send it to whoever ... but we are hoping to keep it within this forum for a while, so everyone sad enough to want to join in, can. Whoever gets it can look in here to see places/people to send to (we have at least 5 countries now)

I have no say in the matter from now on... I'll just post the pics!


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29,448 posts

282 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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Autonotiv said:
what about us poor lot?

It cost me 32p to send him to Gopher. (Less than expecTed)


Original Poster:

29,448 posts

282 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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all the 'rules' of the game are posted here: www.TransporTed.me.uk



Original Poster:

29,448 posts

282 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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RossC said:
alex.tvr said:
North Island, New Zealand - if he wants lots of airmiles.

bearmiles surely !

excellent - I'll nick that!


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29,448 posts

282 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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te51cle said:
Just seen the first pictures at the web site, I must say he doesdn't look too happy about sitting on that pointed rock !

Don't worry, he hasn't got any tackle. I checked.


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29,448 posts

282 months

Thursday 22nd June 2006
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UKBob said:
the one shot rule, which I dont agree with?

Rob... I just thought it would be good to get the bear off to as many places and as many photographers as possible. The photographer is as important as the place. If I had one photographer taking him on a 4 month trip (as I've been offered) then we don't get the variety of photographer / sense of humour as well as venue.

It's just a silly game to get him to as many people as possible. If I were looking at the site, I'd want to see a different photographer for each photo.... not 20 from the same photographer in the same location.

Niagra Falls seemed a good start!

By all means send more than one pic: I suggest one person/one venue... but that doesn't mean you can't get Mrs Bob to take one!


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29,448 posts

282 months

Friday 23rd June 2006
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UKBob said:
I have friends and family on 4 continents. Happy to give ted to a PHer, just decide (and then tell me) where he is going next. Dont like making decisions, especially about other peoples teddy bears

Sorry... has to be your decision (you'll be the bearer) but you have loads to choose from on this thread!


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29,448 posts

282 months

Tuesday 27th June 2006
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UKBob said:
Anyone got a photo of the bear?

you mean apart fom mine?



Edited by GetCarter on Tuesday 27th June 10:48


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29,448 posts

282 months

Tuesday 27th June 2006
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hobo said:
Praslin, Seychelles in 3 weeks if he fancies a jaunt, although he's probably going there himself soon

Have a great time mate!


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29,448 posts

282 months

Monday 10th July 2006
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Bee_Jay said:
I'm off to California on 22nd July (Aliso Viejo, Laguna Beach etc.)

Back on 28th then off the Singapore on 14th August.

Can someone get him to me by then?

He's on his way back from Niagara...
see: www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?t=287094&f=109&h=0


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29,448 posts

282 months

Wednesday 19th July 2006
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UKBob still has him, and I think he's then sending Ted to Up the Dubs - so he might be the person to e mail


Original Poster:

29,448 posts

282 months

Wednesday 19th July 2006
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UKBob said:
V6GTO said:
he'll need a holiday if Bob doe's some of thing he wrote about!
No point. GetCarter wanted a "boring round the world ted" not an "exciting around the world ted" experience

I just wanted him to get round the world without being decapitaTed.


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29,448 posts

282 months

Wednesday 19th July 2006
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BTW Rob... I'm starting to get e mails shouting 'Free the Sussex One'