Film Camera



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203 months

Saturday 22nd June
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I have just returned from a photographic holiday and, whilst there, got talking to the other photographers during down time. The subject of shooting film came up and, as I still have all my old fim cameras, I thought I would dig one out and run a roll or two through it.

Whilst rummaging through my old gear to select one of them, a couple of surprises came up. Firstly, it would appear I have 6 rolls of unused colour negative film that I had abviously forgotten about. It's 13 years old now, so probably no good, but I will run one through the camera and get it developed to see how it goes.

More surprisingly, one of the cameras had a partially exposed film still in it (25 shots taken on a 36 exposure film). I have got no idea what the shots are of, but I will get it developed just to see if there is anything salvageable there.

Meanwhile I have bought 3 rolls of fresh B&W film, so I am looking forward to running those through and re-living that experience of not really knowing if you have captured somehting worth keeping until the film is processed.


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4,150 posts

203 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Given that I only need the negatives processed, and intend to scan those into my PC, I think I'll revisit processing the B&W stock myself.

Back in the day I was quite happy to process slide film using the E6 process, so I am keeping my fingers crossed I can find my old processing tanks and dark bag. If I can't find them, I don't think it will be too expensive to buy new kit.


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4,150 posts

203 months

Thursday 27th June
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This is going to get expensive. Despite still having 4 of my old 35mm SLR film cameras that date from the late '70's onwards, I have just bought an even older film camera that pre-dates anything I currently own.

Thankfully it only pre-dates my oldest camera by a few years, so my old lenses will fit, but it doesn't have any of the electronic bells and whistles that the later cameras have. Should be fun learning to use it.


Original Poster:

4,150 posts

203 months

Well, my latest purchase arrived this morning - fully mechanical, fully manual - so should be a lot of fun trying this one out.