Which beginners bridge camera for wildlife?

Which beginners bridge camera for wildlife?



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241 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Hi, I wondered if anyone can offer some advice on a fairly easy to use, ‘beginners’ bridge type camera for my wife. She’s keen to have something with her to take pictures of wildlife and stuff we see if we’re out walking in the forest or at the coast. I think budget of around £300 but that’s not a hard stop, but just as an idea in case she doesn’t take to it!

I guess a bit of a zoom and something able to deal with differing light?

Also are there any good beginners post processing softwares? I used to use photoshop many years ago and I don’t mind paying for something if needed but I guess ideally free until we know she sticks with it.

I realise it’s a bit vague and I’m sure I could research it all elseware but I’ve had some good advice on here in the past and I’d like to get it quite quickly in time for an upcoming trip.



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11,685 posts

241 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Thanks both. I do realise the budget is a bit tight, I have an old Canon bridge which was about that I think and is surprisingly good which is what I based it on. It’s about 10 years old though so I guess technology has moved on so prices may have gone up!

And yeah, I don’t think she’s in the market or mindset for an SLR yet. I’d dearly love one but I don’t think it would suit her and may put her off if it’s too complicated to use or learn.

She’s not looking for professional quality pictures, more documenting what we see and a bit of fun if we spot something unusual. I’ll take a look at the two mentioned, that’s the kind of thing I was thinking thanks smile


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11,685 posts

241 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Derek Smith said:
I used Nikon and Panasonic bridge cameras, although some years ago now. I really liked them. The difference between the two for me was that the Pan handled so much better and felt more comfortable to hold. I'd suggest making your way to a camera shop or photo club and playing with a selection. All decent makes will provide quality images, so go for one you like, or even just like the look of.

I used to take a full frame camera with a small selection of lenses on shoots, but ended up opting for the bridge in many cases. A friend bought a Nikon with a super zoom and for a time I was inundated with images of the Moon. They were excellent. I was impressed, but after the first 40 or so, they tended to pall. But the camera suited him. He still has it after 10 years. Still loves it.
Must admit my old Canon Powershot takes a really good picture of the moon when fully zoomed! I'd assumed that things had perhaps moved on further in the 10 years I've had it than they have. Probably have to be fair but so has the price.

Lots of food for thought thanks. Maybe I just need to give her my old one and see how she gets on with that to begin with. I was trying to fuel her enthusiasm but I think I may have been a bit ambitious in the cost v difference from what I already have...!

Maybe I'll see how she does with my old one and if she takes to it, we'll get a decent SLR between us.


Original Poster:

11,685 posts

241 months

Tuesday 18th June
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David_M said:
I would definitely say go for a used camera - it will be cheaper, will keep within budget and also help her work out what she wants out of it.

It will be a few years old, but that isn't really much of an issue in my view (especially as she has no other benchmark to compare it to).

For example this Panasonic with huge zoom - I have no experience of this particular camera but it looks like what you are after - long lens and image stabilisation.

I have bought a few things from Park Cameras (cameras and lenses) and always found them very competitively priced and in good condition (I would say better than described by their gradings) plus they offer a six month warranty.
Thanks. I have to admit I've always been wary of second hand electrical items but that's probably a hangover from my parents being the same, for no real reason!

I'll have a little poke around that site thumbup