Just for fun random camera phone pictures you're happy with

Just for fun random camera phone pictures you're happy with



Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Tuesday 1st October 2013
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But wouldn't really be welcome on the other photo topics as you're not using semi professional gear.


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Tuesday 1st October 2013
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Good stuff, I'm a fan of a nice sun rise/set too.


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Tuesday 1st October 2013
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Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Tuesday 1st October 2013
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Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Tuesday 1st October 2013
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Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Tuesday 1st October 2013
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Chris Type R said:
Here's some random, in a plastic container:

Why are they there?


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Wednesday 2nd October 2013
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Munka01 said:
Various pictures taken on my phone over the last year. Most have Instagram filters.

Wow, like this one!


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Wednesday 2nd October 2013
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eggchaser1987 said:
I'm not really a photographer but I do like this one for some reason. Probabley a bit bright but it was taken on my Samsung s3.

Hope you like it! biggrin

On a more PH related object I quite like this one, again taken with an s3

Takes me back, I used to have a Tiger R6, good times!


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Wednesday 2nd October 2013
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ChipsAndCheese said:
All shot on iPhone4 and tweaked with Snapseed.

Tanjung Aru Beach Sunset by d-harding, on Flickr


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Thursday 3rd October 2013
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A scratched watch back taken with Xperia T


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Thursday 3rd October 2013
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Same thing taken through an eye glass.


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Friday 4th October 2013
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RenesisEvo said:
HTC Incredible S.

Another canvas candidate!


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Friday 4th October 2013
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PHuzzy said:
I'm pleased with about 3 good shots on my iPhone 5, all have had some snapspeed trickery but it does the job! smile
No explanation should be needed.

Edited by PHuzzy on Friday 4th October 06:44
Serious drivers roaddrivingwouldn't fancy peddling up it though yikes


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Friday 4th October 2013
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chilistrucker said:

The stones at Glastonbury, from side of stage.
Sorry, don't know why its posted sideways?

Edited by chilistrucker on Friday 4th October 09:32
Don't worry, sideways photos are welcome here. It's a phone thing
Serious bit off lighting going on there!


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Sunday 6th October 2013
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RegMolehusband said:
Flying over the Alps
Are you Sat on the wheels?


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Sunday 6th October 2013
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RegMolehusband said:
It's an Avro RJ100
I prefer not to be able to see the engines, just in case I spot a gremlin tinkering. Might just be me..


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Sunday 6th October 2013
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Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Sunday 6th October 2013
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Probably a great view, but not for me thanks.


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Sunday 13th October 2013
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v15ben said:
A few of mine from the last couple of weeks.

Lazy Day on the Cut. by v16ben, on Flickr


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Sunday 13th October 2013
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andrwb said:
This would make a good setting for a flake advert whistle