DV Format Files



Original Poster:

34,444 posts

313 months

Monday 9th February 2004
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Anyone know what software I can use to convert DV to AVI/WMV/MPG?


12,820 posts

264 months

Monday 9th February 2004
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Windows XP movie maker?


Original Poster:

34,444 posts

313 months

Monday 9th February 2004
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Am running W2000.

luca brazzi

3,981 posts

275 months

Monday 9th February 2004
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Studio should do it just fine Ted. And you can choose what quality (filesize) you desire.

Gimme a bell if you want a quick talkthrough.



11,621 posts

277 months

Monday 9th February 2004
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Ted - DV is a form of AVI (albeit a large one). I would be guessing that you want to compress the file for easier viewing from online. The best way to convert (without a lot of expense) is to download the Windows Media Encoder from the Microsoft site. This will allow you to make WMV files of various quality/settings. It handles native 16x9 nicely and allows you to customize settings quite a bit.

I have found that for really good MPEG results you need a quality "purchased" software such as Premier, etc...

Hope this helps



709 posts

292 months

Monday 9th February 2004
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ErnestM said:
Ted - DV is a form of AVI (albeit a large one). I would be guessing that you want to compress the file for easier viewing from online. The best way to convert (without a lot of expense) is to download the Windows Media Encoder from the Microsoft site. This will allow you to make WMV files of various quality/settings. It handles native 16x9 nicely and allows you to customize settings quite a bit.

I have found that for really good MPEG results you need a quality "purchased" software such as Premier, etc...

Hope this helps


If you need to get it into mpeg, try tmpegenc, www.tmpgenc.net/e_main.html

It's a bit technical, but quality is excellent and it's free.