lazyitus profile pic



Original Poster:

12,820 posts

264 months

Thursday 15th January 2004
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Looks impressive but are the sun rays and circles CGI?
If so, a good way to enhance a photo


Original Poster:

12,820 posts

264 months

Thursday 15th January 2004
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29,843 posts

289 months

Thursday 15th January 2004
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Filter / Render / Lens Flare

Photoshop has a lot to answer for

>> Edited by getcarter on Thursday 15th January 15:18


10,430 posts

258 months

Thursday 15th January 2004
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PSP7+ also has those effects

When you have seen them before, you notice them all over the place.


2,342 posts

258 months

Thursday 15th January 2004
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I think Photoshop is a little better at rendering lens flare than in that image. Looks more like someone's just marked out some circles and lightened the image within them !


5,135 posts

294 months

Thursday 15th January 2004
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you cant beat a real bit of flare can you ?

Was dead chuffed when I got this one from the camera!



10,430 posts

258 months

Thursday 15th January 2004
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te51cle said:
I think Photoshop is a little better at rendering lens flare than in that image. Looks more like someone's just marked out some circles and lightened the image within them !

looks very much like a PSP effect.


Original Poster:

12,820 posts

264 months

Friday 16th January 2004
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Ive never found this on PSP7.
Is it also on PS Elements?

I like using the drawing packages but rarely get time to look at all they can do, theres just so much.
I generally use them for minor changes and printing.

TT Tim

4,164 posts

257 months

Friday 16th January 2004
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This is an example of the P'Shop lens flare filter/generator:


Mad Dave

7,158 posts

273 months

Friday 16th January 2004
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The purple circle is a dead giveaway that its a Photoshop effort! It definately livens up a dull picture though.


10,430 posts

258 months

Friday 16th January 2004
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It's called Sunburst under PSP, it's in the illumination menu (PSP 7)

TT Tim

4,164 posts

257 months

Friday 16th January 2004
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Mad Dave said:
The purple circle is a dead giveaway that its a Photoshop effort! It definately livens up a dull picture though.


Dull photo indeed!



19,928 posts

276 months

Friday 16th January 2004
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- Paint Shop Pro -

Honestly didn't know what I was doing and I knocked it up at work after clicking some random buttons!

Thought it looked OK so put it in profile.

simpo two

87,740 posts

275 months

Friday 16th January 2004
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What impresses me most is the feature 'Image/Adjust/Add Lighthouse...'

>> Edited by simpo two on Friday 16th January 17:22

TT Tim

4,164 posts

257 months

Friday 16th January 2004
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simpo two said:
What impresses me most is the feature 'Image/Adjust/Add Lighthouse...'

What is it 'Pic on Tim' day?


simpo two

87,740 posts

275 months

Friday 16th January 2004
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TT Tim said:
What is it 'Pic on Tim' day?

Don't worry TT, I've got it too, as you can now see! Aren't plug-ins great?


11,104 posts

286 months

Friday 16th January 2004
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simpo two said:
What impresses me most is the feature 'Image/Adjust/Add Lighthouse...'

Coffee/Keyboard Moment!

First one to make me laugh aloud all day!

Mad Dave

7,158 posts

273 months

Friday 16th January 2004
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TT Tim said:

Mad Dave said:
The purple circle is a dead giveaway that its a Photoshop effort! It definately livens up a dull picture though.


Dull photo indeed!


LOL! I didnt mean your picture was dull, i meant in general it can be useful for livening up dull pictures! On your pic though, i probably would have had your car at a different angle and got down a bit lower - eg.

car head on at an angle running towards you from left to right, with wheels on left hand lock. Get down really low to the ground and still get the perspective of the lighthouse in behind it.

Just a thought - still a nice pic - i thought you'd used a grad blue filter until i realised the top of the lighthouse wasnt blue

I hope i've caused no offense

TT Tim

4,164 posts

257 months

Friday 16th January 2004
quotequote all
simpo two said:

TT Tim said:
What is it 'Pic on Tim' day?

Don't worry TT, I've got it too, as you can now see! Aren't plug-ins great?

My, what a big barn you have.


TT Tim

4,164 posts

257 months

Friday 16th January 2004
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Mad Dave said:

TT Tim said:

Mad Dave said:
The purple circle is a dead giveaway that its a Photoshop effort! It definately livens up a dull picture though.


Dull photo indeed!


LOL! I didnt mean your picture was dull, i meant in general it can be useful for livening up dull pictures! On your pic though, i probably would have had your car at a different angle and got down a bit lower - eg.

car head on at an angle running towards you from left to right, with wheels on left hand lock. Get down really low to the ground and still get the perspective of the lighthouse in behind it.

Just a thought - still a nice pic - i thought you'd used a grad blue filter until i realised the top of the lighthouse wasnt blue

I hope i've caused no offense

Heheh, no offence taken. I agree, it's not one of my best but it does look quite cool on my new phone...
