Batch conversion of Pics



Original Poster:

5,252 posts

277 months

Sunday 28th December 2003
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I now got over 1000 pics, is there anyway i can concert them automatically . they are in a big res i want them in 800x600 to go on the web..

any sugestions of software

cheers steve

luca brazzi

3,981 posts

275 months

Sunday 28th December 2003
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What's your operating system?


Original Poster:

5,252 posts

277 months

Sunday 28th December 2003
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HI Steve

Windows XP mainly but can switch to linux

Cheers Steve (STC_B here) changed ID

PC were those lenses i suggested in the email Jessops own Brand

luca brazzi

3,981 posts

275 months

Sunday 28th December 2003
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XP Powertoys has a great utility you can use in all the pictures you want to resize .... right click > choose resize, then choose your the advance options and choose if you want new pictures or just to resize the existing ones. Excellent little tool. (look at the 6th one down on the right)

simpo two

87,740 posts

275 months

Sunday 28th December 2003
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Select the files you want to convert, right click and select 'Resize pictures'. That gives you three size options, and off you go.

Edited to say: Arse!

>> Edited by simpo two on Sunday 28th December 17:34


12,425 posts

276 months

Sunday 28th December 2003
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Stevie, if you have Linux, you can convert them on your command line with wildcards. One command - all pictures converted.

A useful explanation on how to use ImageMagick (which is part of most Linux ditributions) can be found here:


28,377 posts

294 months

Sunday 28th December 2003
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If you like you can try this program I wrote a year or so takes a directory of images and generates (to another directory) a web-site complete with resized images/thumbnails/more or less compression/a style sheet and so on...

When I wrote it there was nothing about that did its job. Its probably a bit old-hat by now..let me know if you try it!

It doesn't need any fancy installing. Just unzip it somewhere and away you go...


28,377 posts

294 months

Sunday 28th December 2003
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Oh...and I designed it to be as simple to use as I could...and then a fecked up the user interface so its a bit fiddly now.

Press the "Advanced" button when you see it and choose Fixed Width pictures which you can make 800 pixels wide. The rest should be reasonably self explanatory...just keep clicking on things until it does what you want.


3,183 posts

275 months

Sunday 28th December 2003
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The best program I've found for this is JAlbum at

The good news is it's free as well! Will auto build your site with shed loads of template styles or you can script your own...

Very very good - I've used it for ages....


10,005 posts

283 months

Sunday 28th December 2003
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660 posts

254 months

Monday 29th December 2003
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Irfanview is a great graphics viewer, batch resizer, renamer, slideshow generator etc and it's free for personal use
