Gigapixel picture



Original Poster:

1,413 posts

269 months

Saturday 6th December 2003
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might interest some of you

edit to add - his main site has tons of info -

>>> Edited by polar_ben on Saturday 6th December 14:48


2,235 posts

286 months

Saturday 6th December 2003
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Interesting. I must admit to be a convert to the stitching idea. Went to the states recently and borrowed a mates Hasselblad XPan panoramic camera to try out as he was selling it. I also shot overlapping shots on a Canon IXUS 400 and stitched them using 'Realviz Stitcher'. I didn't buy the XPan

Panorama Tools is an excellent piece of software and has the advantage of being free.

simpo two

87,740 posts

275 months

Saturday 6th December 2003
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Wide angle lens.