Your own website?


Mad Dave

Original Poster:

7,158 posts

273 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Im guessing you all have your own personal sites with your best shots on - if so, whats the URL?

Just so that we can give each other tips etc on improving shots, or just to admire each others work (and maybe get some inspiration!)



PS mines


8,568 posts

293 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Mine will be up in the near future - just trying to find the time to scan in my favourite shots and knock together a webpage to display them!


12,820 posts

264 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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I really want to get my own site up and runnign to display my pics (low res so no one can steal them!)

I get umpteen MB of webspace with my ISP but what can I use as good software for displaying the pics?

As you can tell, Im new to this side of things!

At the moment I have used only "Yahoo photos" and "Fotango" to share pics with people but I want my own site and some kind of smart viewer (applet?).

I dont mean to steal the thread Dave, I think its a great idea if we can share our favorite shots. Just want to know the best way to do it.


1,834 posts

275 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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A few of my pics are on a site I run with a few mates

Watch this space though, because I have another site in development which will interest pistonheads!

Mad Dave

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7,158 posts

273 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Well i used Fireworks and Dreamweaver to design the website. Its really not all the necessary though - its the shots that are on display after all.

re Stealing shots - save them as 72dpi, then theyre useless to anyone else. Also, i used this trick

If you right click and save any of my images, youll just get a blank image!


8,568 posts

293 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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If you've got your own webspace, then all you need to do is create a webpage (or webpages) which contain the thumbnail images, then link each small image to a large version of it if required.

Check out for a very basic example - this took only a few minutes to knock up!

Obviously, something like Dave's looks a lot better, but will take a bit more time to create.

You can create sites in Word I believe, but you'd be better off by using a proper web page creator. I use Dreamweaver, but something like Frontpage should do the job too.


12,820 posts

264 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Mad Dave said:
re Stealing shots - save them as 72dpi, then theyre useless to anyone else. Also, i used this trick

If you right click and save any of my images, youll just get a blank image!

I reckon that if anyone wants to steal a pic they know how to get round that one!
I suppose it might stop a few people though.


131 posts

260 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Or just learn HTML and use a good text editor like Arachnophilia it's easy enough.

My site is not up yet, am working on it though. Scanning pix is taking more time than I had hoped. I do have the coolest "under construction" page ever though

Mad Dave

Original Poster:

7,158 posts

273 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Dusty - you'd be surprised how many people it fools! My mates father in law tried to print off some pics from the wedding library and was slightly perplexed when he ended up with blank sheets of paper every time he hit print! He gave up in the end.

A very very good thumbnailer package can be downloaded from - its called Thumbnailer and its made by Smaller Animals - you basically point it at a directory containing all your full sized images and it creates;

b)all HTML pages
c)links them all up

It really is great! You just upload the lot and away you go!


12,820 posts

264 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Thanks Dave!

Now where can I find some extra time to do any of this???
Im supposed to be decorating the Kitchen starting to day and have managed to move the fridge, freezer and microwave and then spent the rest of the day feeding my addiciton (the healthy-ish one!).

Seriously thanks though. I 'll ask for more help when I get round to doing it. I still have a list with "review daves pics" on it somewhere! Sorry for the delay mate. Seems like Im doing everything at once at the moment and then just have a day where I do SFA like today!
Oh well...

>> Edited by DustyC on Friday 28th November 17:22

Mad Dave

Original Poster:

7,158 posts

273 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Alien - that is very good actually!

Let me guess - photoshop, a block of 0's and 1's, rasterized and then masked to fade the edges and then the images laid over the top with a opacity of...oooh...20%?

The end result looks great though - i may steal it for a future project


801 posts

272 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Have a look at its a large site that allows you to host photos in your own album... very good site...


131 posts

260 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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Haha Dave no, it's a whole lot easier than that - here, give it a try:

Ballistic Banana

14,702 posts

277 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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i have a few knocking about here

I have a Nikon coolpix 4300 which i am still learning all about very slowely.
Also have a Canon EOS 1000f which i dont what half the settings are for but can get some great quality pics from.



1,413 posts

269 months


12,058 posts

274 months

Friday 28th November 2003
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JAlbum is very good for image page generation. Does all the same stuff as that thumbnailer programme, but with a lot less fuss. All the image pages on my site are done using it.
The only criticism is that it doesn't have support for central style sheets and graphics, so you have to dig into the code if you want all your pages to refenence one set of layout information.


2,749 posts

294 months

Saturday 29th November 2003
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Oooooh, didn't notice this forum appear until just now.

My gallery has some pictures which I'm quite pleased with, interspersed with stuff that's there 'cos friends wanted to see the pictures, rather than them being any good.

Surf, be nosey. Older pictures were taken with my old Kodak DC240, later ones with a Canon Powershot G2. I haven't taken many pictures with the EOS 300D yet, but will slam some up if I manage to take any worth sharing. If. I'm only now, with the 300D, getting to play with settings etc and find out what works, what doesn't in a given setting. I could be some time...


267 posts

294 months

Saturday 29th November 2003
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I use a Microsoft Digital Image Pro (Very simple package) for resampling my digital images before uploading to the web. As said before they are no good for printing as the resolution and size is specific for the web.


11,621 posts

277 months

Saturday 29th November 2003
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Mostly auto related (and specifically Esprit V8 related - except for BTaP 2003 which is the front page feature right now)...



1,060 posts

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Monday 1st December 2003
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Motoring, life, love and Veuve related.