Best place to sell photo stuff?

Best place to sell photo stuff?



Original Poster:

68,291 posts

225 months

Monday 5th August
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I've got a lot of cheaper, or different stuff that MPB aren't interested in. Where's the best place to list stuff now if I avoid the perils of Ebay

Things like, flashgun brollies and stands, flashgun softbox, I've a Hague pole car rig, a monopod, various tripods, that soft of stuff that I don't use anymore.

Derek Smith

46,534 posts

256 months

Monday 5th August
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Do you live in/near a big town/city?


Original Poster:

68,291 posts

225 months

Monday 5th August
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Derek Smith said:
Do you live in/near a big town/city?
Can do - will do in the future soon, what are you thinking - Faceberk marketplace? Might has to ask someone to do that as I don't have it


9,772 posts

147 months

Monday 5th August
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I might be interested in a couple of bits, does PH still have a selling page for stuff that isnt cars?


13,626 posts

263 months

Monday 5th August
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Camera World, Wex and London Camera Exchange all buy second hand gear. They all work from the same database that's used to value stuff so any difference between them will only apply if you're Part Exchanging for something.

MPB use the same database so if they're not interested it's likely none of the above will be interested either.

CEX also but camera gear. But don't expect top money from them.

I've had some good success with Facebook market place (buying and selling).

Other than that, local Camera Clubs sometimes hoover up old gear.

What tripods have you got?


Original Poster:

68,291 posts

225 months

Tuesday 6th August
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I see my reply was removed - Sorry Mods wasn't sure...
just found non motoring bits, so will stick it in there.


Original Poster:

68,291 posts

225 months

Tuesday 6th August
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I've put up the lighting kit for free if it's of use to anyone, caveat is collect from PH event Bicester

ian in lancs

3,822 posts

206 months

Tuesday 6th August
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I donated a load of gear/books to a local college photo course / college library


Original Poster:

68,291 posts

225 months

Tuesday 6th August
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ian in lancs said:
I donated a load of gear/books to a local college photo course / college library
Yeah, all my old photo books I bought for my degree course went to local students, because there were 'essential' books that cost a lot...