Cheapest way to get 35mm film developed

Cheapest way to get 35mm film developed



Original Poster:

699 posts

173 months

Thursday 25th July
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I've come across a couple of 35mm films. No idea what's on them - the photos must have been taken at least 15 years ago.

Curious, but don't want to pay silly money to find out. What's the best option?

Edited by clive_candy on Thursday 25th July 10:30

Mr Pointy

11,883 posts

167 months

Thursday 25th July
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Take it into Boots chemists?

SnappySnaps do some processing on premises:


10,710 posts

233 months

Friday 26th July
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Not cheap though - at least compared to when I last had films developed 20 years ago...

It also seems slower, they have had my films for what feels like ages, but it is more like a week, but I was hoping to see the results before running more films through the cameras.


4,395 posts

38 months

Friday 26th July
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Craikeybaby said:
Not cheap though - at least compared to when I last had films developed 20 years ago...

It also seems slower, they have had my films for what feels like ages, but it is more like a week, but I was hoping to see the results before running more films through the cameras.
Of course it isn’t as cheap. It’s niche now, was volume then.